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Student Remains in 'Pending Transmission' Status After Running Generate Federal Work Study (SFA_GEN_FWS Application Engine); FWS.log File Displays 'Missing student information' (Doc ID 3047943.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 16, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When running the Generate Federal Work Study (SFA_GEN_FWS Application Engine) process, one or more students are not being selected as expected based on the student's 'Pending Transmission' status on the Federal Work Study Data page.

After the process completes, the student is observed to remain in 'Pending Transmission' status, and a review of the FWS.log file shows the message 'Missing student information'. It is not clear what is "missing" as all of the required page data has been populated including the ISIR transaction number.

The issue will likely affect only a small number of students or even a single student, with most students being selected for processing as expected.

  1. Navigate to Financial Aid > File Management > COD Full Participant > Generate Federal Work Study and run the process.
  2. Click link to 'Process Monitor' and refresh until the process goes to Success.
  3. Click 'Details' link then the link that says 'View Log/Trace' and review the files in the file list.
  4. Note the student is not included in the .XML and the FWS.log shows 'Missiing student information'.


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