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With NSC Reporting, When Running the Consolidated Statistics Process With the Option to 'Use the Date the Enrollment Status was Determined', the Enrollment Status Date Calculates Without Factoring Out Non Required Terms like Summer (Doc ID 3062439.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 05, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Student Records - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When running the Consolidated Statistics Process for NSC Reporting for enrollment submissions. the program status effective date is not being calculated as expected with the  Enrollment Status Date Option setting of 'Use the Date the Enrollment Status was Determined'.

Specifically, the process ignores the term category specified in the 'Terms With Missing Enrollment Data' section and calculates the status date factoring in terms in the indicated category, even if the enrollment data for the term is missing.

Similarly, if the enrollment data in the indicated category is not missing, but the enrollment status is different in that term compared to both the preceding and subsequent terms on either side, the status date is unexpectedly reset to the start of the subsequent term, rather than maintaining the date from the earlier term(s). 

Some institutions consider some terms (usually Summer) to be "non-required", and under that scenario, a change in enrollment status that occurs only in the "non-required" term is expected to be ignored in the calculation. For example, if a student has remained in full time status for all regular terms, but has either not enrolled or enrolled less than full time in one or more summer or non required terms, it's expected the enrollment status date should be maintained as the start date of the first term in which the student was full time. Instead, the date is calculated as the start date of the term after the last non-required term in which the student was not enrolled full time.

Due to software changes made at NSC, these submitted records involving the non required terms are being flagged as errors in the NSC system, forcing the schools to indicate in each case if the submitted result is correct or should be changed. If NSC considers these submissions to be 'errors' (and especially if schools are having to change the status dates in every case), it would be expected that the CS Stats process should be reporting the data correctly, to prevent the need for the extra steps and work.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > Consolidated Statistics > Process Consolidate Statistics > Consolidated Statistics, and run the process - first the 'Take Term Statistics Snapshot' step (SRPCCONA), then the 'Consolidated Acad Statistics' step (SRPCCONP).
  2. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > Consolidated Statistics > Student Consolidated Stats > NSC Data Elements for a student with a new enrollment status for the term just processed - ie, enrollment status has changed from the student's prior term.
  3. Go to the row for the Statistics Period and term that was processed.
  4. In the 'NSC Data Elements History By CIP Code' section, click on 'Statistics' tab and note the enrollment status date values. 


The issue occurs after processing with the new logic and fixes delivered in 2023 as documented in Note 2916886.1.


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