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ETL9.2: The Taskgroup Value on Timesheet disappears after making edits on the page. (Doc ID 3063066.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 11, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Time and Labor - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


In the bi-weekly timesheet, displayed in a week view, week 1 and week 2 are shown separately. If a user deletes a time entry in the second week but keeps other entries in the same taskgroup row, instead of replacing the deleted value with zero, the taskgroup is copied to some or all time entries in week 2 upon submission.

Here are the steps to replicate the issue:

1. Start with a fresh PUM environment.
2. Set the elapsed timesheet view to be bi-weekly.
3. Set the Show Elapsed Timesheet By Week flag to true in the time and Setup HCM > Install > Product Specific > Time and Labor Installation.
4. Time tile > Enter time tile.

In the timesheet populate with this data:
Week 1
Row 1 - TRC KUREG - Taskgroup K0GPTASK - Monday 1 - Tuesday 1
Row 2 - TRC KUREG - Taskgroup KLMCAFETSK - Friday 1
5. Submit
Week 2
Row 1 - TRC KUREG - Taskgroup KLMCAFETSK - Tuesday 1 - Wednesday 1
Row 2 - TRC KUREG - Taskgroup K0GPTASK - Thursday 1
6. Submit
7. Delete the value 1 from Tuesday on week 2.
8. Submit.

9. Time will merge on week 2 forming 1 row of TRC KUREG - Taskgroup KLMCAFETSK - Wednesday 1 - Thursday 1. Week 1 is retained properly.



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