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EGL: FAQ For The Chartfield Configuration Process And Chartfield Configuration by Project Process - FS_CFCONFIG (Doc ID 624692.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN General Ledger - Version 9 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***checked for relevance 11-JAN-2024***


ChartField configuration functionality was delivered in v8.4 to ease the ChartField customization process.  At a high level, the functionality can be broken down into Advanced Actions and Standard Actions.  This functionality must be thoroughly understood before attempting.  This FAQ is intended to recap some important tips and some known resolutions.

Testing/using this functionality should not be done hastily.  Before attempting any changes, please read the peoplebooks thoroughly.  Most importantly, the "configure" button on the standard configuration page should never be pressed while users are in the system.  In a production system, this page is designed to be closely secured.  Changes made to this page with the configure button pressed while users are actively using pages and running processes could cause database corruption.

Using standard configuration, it's possible to:

   - Change the display order of ChartFields on pages and reports.
   - Relabel Long and Short Names (descriptions) of ChartFields.
   - Inactivate or activate ChartFields (determines if ChartFields are displayed on pages).
   - Change the display length of ChartFields on pages and reports.
   - Change Related ChartFields for IntraUnit Affiliate ChartFields.

To use the standard configuration functionality, please navigate to  Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Configure > Standard Configuration


Using advanced configuration, it's possible to:

   - Add new chartfields.
   - Delete existing chartfields.
   - Resize chartFields.
   - Rename chartfields.

To use the advanced configuration functionality, please navigate to  Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Configure > Advanced Configuration

After changes are made to this page, the "Configure" button must be pressed at the bottom of the page and the FS_CFCONFIG process must be run to fully implement the changes.  The system assumes that no changes will be made to this page after the original full configuration is run, without an additional configuration run.  Any changes which are made will be partially reflected in the system but they are not fully functional until the configure button is pressed and the process is run to success.  Need to make sure that all other users except the user running CF configuration process are logged out from system.

The full configuration process uses the PeopleSoft PeopleTools Bulk Operations feature to modify records and pages for the Add, Delete, and Reorder configuration actions. When the full configuration has finished, review the Bulk Operations log file (BulkOps.log) for any errors and a record of what has or has not been processed. The log is located in %PS_CFG_HOME%/appserv/prcs/<domain>/log_output or (if that directory cannot be updated) in %PS_HOME%. Skipping certain records and pages that do not require updating is normal for the utility. If the utility updates a record or page that is questionable due to the complexity of the object, the record or page is written to a project called BLK_FieldName. Review the contents of any BLK_FieldName project created by the utility.

If you have requested a Reorder or Change Display Length configuration action and the Message Log contains an error message indicating that the process was unable to update order or display length on one or more pages, review the BulkOps.log file to identify the specific pages that were not processed. You must update these pages manually.

After the full configuration process is run, it's necessary to complete manual tasks as well for the objects which are not in scope of the CF configuration process. Please refer to Document 619699.1

# Chartfield Configurtaion by Project Page also triggers same process and only the configuration actions that are in a Complete status are applied to new objects that have been delivered by Oracle as part of Bundle/PUM package. This process should be run while applying bug fixes or performing an application uprade/update when a manual step: 'Review Chartfield Configuration' or 'Verify ChartField Configuration Changes' is encountereed. Please visit Document 2117066.1 for more details.

It is important to read thoroughly the information provided in PeopleBooks before initiating this process.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Q1:  Customer was unable to complete the ChartField configuration process without getting the following error: Chart Field Configuration Process Error Out Saying the Unique Constraint Error. No users had access to the DataBase, DBA was monitoring the configuration process, Application server was running.
 Q2:  Custom 1 ChartField not included in Create Journal page
 Q3:  Can not mark a ChartField as a key; field format of the field has  the "not used" check box checked.   We cannot mark the product as a key in application designer.   The product chartfield  does not show up as includable in any indexes.  We are in process of upgrading. When we go to  the application designer and open FIELD> PRODUCT, at the bottom of the page: field format has two boxes ('not used', and 'chartfield').   In demo, the 'not used' is not checked, but in upgraded version, both are checked.
 Q4:  FS_CFUPDATE application engine is abending when running AMCFBULD.sqrSQR.   AMCFBULD has been scheduled. Process Instance = 10. (9050,69)Process 9 ABENDED at Step FS_CFUPDATE.MAIN.SQL (PeopleCode) -- RC = 16 (108,524)
 Q5:  In demo we are attempting a test of relabeling and inactivating some of the ChartFields and we get a unique constraint error on several tables when creating indexes
 Q6:  Is there a sample document that can be referred to understand how to add a custom Chartfield ?
 Q7:  While running Chartfield Configuration by Project process observed that timestamp for FS_CF_ALTER_TABLE project changes even if manual steps listed in chartfield configuration report do not point any action for this project ?
 Q8:   In Chartfield Configuration log file (AE_FS_CFCONFIG_xxxxxx.trc) file an error is seen:  'CMgrOutStream::SerializeField : encountered invalid MGR_CHAR data = 2218 must be fixed' .
         However, the FS_CFCONFIG process has run to Success and all the changes seem to be reflecting properly.
 Q9:  There are some SQL definitions that are not part of the Change Package project but modified each time  Chartfield Configuration by project process runs ?

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