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How To Get Linked Item Values From The 'LoadInstance' Method Of Business Service 'Remote Complex Object Instance Service' (Doc ID 1373504.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 10, 2023

Applies to:

Siebel eConfigurator - Version 7.8.2 SIA [19213] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This is related to the "LoadInstance" method of business service "Remote Complex Object Instance Service". There are some linked items defined on a customizable product so it is necessary to resolve linked items after calling this business service method.

As per Siebel Bookshelf, below are the output arguments, which must be defined for the "LoadInstance" method:

LoadInstance Output Argument Description
CreateSession If this property is set to Y the method CreateSession must be called after LoadInstance. CreateSession will be used with the input parameter Links to pass a set of links to the method.
(Optional) IsConfig If this property is present and set to Y the configuration model has configuration rules defined.
(Optional) Links If this property is set to Y the model has linked items.
(Optional) Links If model has linked items, this parameter will hold linked items as child property set. This information shall be passed to CreateSession call in case there are any rules configured based on linked items.
(Optional) UnresolvedLinks If this property is set to Y the model has unresolved linked items that must be calculated by the caller.

See Siebel Product Administration Guide v8.1 > Siebel Configurator API Reference > Instance APIs for the Complex Object Manager > LoadInstance Method

(1) How can the "Links" output argument be defined twice? When trying this in a script the user gets an error saying that the same argument cannot be defined twice, which is expected the behavior.
(2) All the links which are defined in the product model are coming as unresolved. There is no example given in Siebel Bookshelf about handling unresolved links. Could you please provide more details?
(3) Can you provide some definite example how to handle Linked Items using BS "Remote Complex Object Instance Service". This is referring to Siebel Bookshelf version 8.1.


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