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Multilanguage Siebel 18.11 Installation Steps (Doc ID 2487503.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 24, 2022

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version 18.11 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


What are the correct steps for clean multilingual Siebel installation (ENU, RUS) ?

Here are steps performed:
1. Created image for Siebel 17.0, 18.10 for Linux (Siebel Enterprise Server ENU, RUS)
2. Created image for Siebel 17.0, 18.10 for Windows (Tools ENU, RUS)

On Linux host:

3. Installed Oracle Client x86
4. Configured tnsnames.ora
5. Created keystore and truststore
5. Installed 17.0 SES (gateway, Siebel Server and Database Configuration Utilities) (ENU, RUS) (/u01/siebel/ses)
6. Installed 17.0 SAI (ENU, RUS) (/u01/siebel/sai)
7. Installed 18.10 SES
8. Installed 18.10 SAI
9. Created db env with command (cd /u01/siebel/ses/siebsrvr/install_script/install && ./CreateDbSrvrEnvScript /u01/siebel/ses ENU Oracle)
11. Run
12. Run DBCU with command (cd /u01/siebel/ses/config/ && ./ -mode dbsrvr)
13. Selected Install Database -> Install Siebel Database -> UNICODE -> Base Language (English) -> Register External ODBC Driver -> Dont use parallel index
14. Run DBCU...
15. Selected Install Database -> Add a language to an existing Siebel Database -> Base Language (English) -> Language Temp (Russian) -> Dont Register External ODBC Driver -> Repository (Siebel Repository) -> Dont use parallel index
16. Run DBCU...
17. Selected Import/Export Repository -> Add a language to an existing Repository -> Language Imprep (Russian) -> ODBC Source (SiebelInstall_DSN) -> Import Repository Name (Siebel Repository) -> Localized Repository File Name (/u01/siebel/ses/dbsrvr/RUS/mstrep_locale.dat) -> Dont use parallel index

Note: If mstrep_locale.dat is missing in the environment, this step might fail. If so, the following workaround can be performed:

a. Copy the file present under the path [SIEBEL_ROOLT]/dbsrvr/common/mstrep.dat into the language directory and rename it mstrep_locale.dat.
b. Follow the instructions described in Doc. 2241226.1 - Symbolic Strings Missing for Newly Installed Language Pack

The missing file issue is resolved in 17.2 version.

18. Run DBCU...
19. Selected Run Database Utilities (Multilingual List of Value Conversion) -> Translate -> Base Language (English) -> ODBC Source (SiebelInstall_DSN) -> Repository (Siebel Repository) -> Dont use parallel index
20. Run (cd /u01/siebel/ses/siebsrvr/bin/)
21. Run (./srvrupgwiz -m master_install.ucf)
22. Run (./srvrupgwiz -m master_install_lang.ucf)
23. Run (./srvrupgwiz -m master_imprep_lang.ucf)
24. Run (./srvrupgwiz -m master_mlov_translate.ucf)
25. Run (./
26. Configured security profile, enterprise profile, Siebel server profile, application interface profile.
27. Deployed enterprise profile, Siebel server profile, application interface profile.

On Windows host:

28. Installed Oracle Client x86
29. Configured tnsnames.ora
30. Installed 17.0 tools (ENU, RUS)
31. Installed 18.10 tools
32. Created system ODBC Datasource
33. Edited tools.cfg (enu and rus, in attachment)

--i skipped WSRanking execution, as it seems to be unnecessary for 18.10, and tools are starting without errors

34. Run disable workspace (C:\Siebel\Tools\BIN\siebdev.exe /c "C:\Siebel\Tools\bin\enu\tools.cfg" /l ENU /d ServerDataSrc /u sadmin /p **** /FlattenWorkspace /DisableWorkspace /DropIndexes SIEBEL ***** Oracle)
35. Run enable workspace ENU (Seed + repository) (C:\Siebel\Tools\BIN\EnableWorkspace -s c:\Siebel\Tools -t SIEBEL -u SIEBEL -p ***** -o SIEB_DEV -d Oracle -w SADMIN -a B -b B -y SADMIN -z ***** -r "Siebel Repository" -k c:\Siebel\Tools\LOG -e ENU)
36. Run enable workspace RUS (Seed) (C:\Siebel\Tools\BIN\EnableWorkspace -s c:\Siebel\Tools -t SIEBEL -u SIEBEL -p *** -o SIEB_DEV -d Oracle -w SADMIN -a S -b B -y SADMIN -z ***** -r "Siebel Repository" -k c:\Siebel\Tools\LOG -e RUS)
37. Run full publish (ENU, RUS) (c:\Siebel\Tools\BIN\siebdev.exe /c C:\Siebel\Tools\bin\enu\tools.cfg /TL ENU,RUS /d ServerDataSrc /u sadmin /p **** /FullPublish)

It was realized that patch exists in 18.11

38. Created image for Siebel 18.11 for Linux (Siebel Enterprise Server ENU, RUS)
39. Created image for Siebel 18.11 for Windows (Tools ENU, RUS)

On Linux host:
40. Installed 18.11 SES
41. Installed 18.11 SAI

On Windows host:
42. Installed 18.11 tools
38. Created preference.txt in c:\Siebel\Tools\BIN (in attachment)
39. Run EditWebLayout (EditWebLayout.bat)
40. Created RepositoryUpgrade.ini (in attachment)
41. Run repository upgrade (RepositoryUpgrade.exe -i RepositoryUpgrade.ini)


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