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The Incremental Or Full Runtime Repository Migration Job Is Failing With SBL-GEN-00001 Error. The "DDLDICT-ERR-0001: Out of Memory allocating dbTbl.pDbInds" Error Is Reported By Siebel Migration Application Backend Utility During Export Of Schema (Doc ID 2993212.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2024

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version 17.0 [IP2017] and later
Generic Linux


The behavior of Siebel Migration Application has changed after Linux Update to newer release, for example from SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12 to SLES 15. 

The Full Runtime Repository or Incremental Runtime Repository job executed from Siebel Migration Application is failing with error while exporting Schema Service.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Login to Siebel Migration Application
2. Execute Incremental or Full Runtime Repository job to export Siebel repository and schema
3. Error is reported at Schema Service step.


In migration.log file from $Siebel_AI\applicationcontainer_external\logs path are reported the following errors:

[DEBUG] <date> [https-jsse-nio-9001-exec-1] Migration - com.siebel.migration.server.Transaction:invokeRestCall Response received from RST URL: https://<host>:<port>/siebel/v1.0/service/Migration Schema Service/GetStatus


Reading table <table_name> ... \r\n<date>\t Reading index <index_name> ... \r\n<date>\t

... \r\n<date>\t DDLDICT-ERR-0001: Out of Memory allocating dbTbl.pDbInds.\r\n<date>\t DDLDICT-ERR-1006: Unable to add table to list (dbTbl.pDbInds). \r\n<date>\t DDLDICT-ERR-1017: Unable to copy data from Siebel dictionary (UTLDbTblAdd). \r\n<date>\t Error in MainFunction (UTLDbDictToDb). \r\n<date>\t Error in Main function...\r\n<date>\t (logapi.cpp (184) err=1 sys=2) SBL-GEN-00001: (logapi.cpp: 184) error code = 1, system error = 2, msg1 = (null), msg2 = (null), msg3 = (null), msg4 = (null)\r\n"}

[ERROR] <date> [https-jsse-nio-9001-exec-1] Migration - com.siebel.migration.server.Transaction:invokeRestCall REST Service returned error response

[ERROR] <date> [https-jsse-nio-9001-exec-1] Migration - com.siebel.migration.server.Transaction:invokeRestCall <date> (logapi.cpp (184) err=1 sys=2) SBL-GEN-00001: (logapi.cpp: 184) error code = 1, system error = 2, msg1 = (null), msg2 = (null), msg3 = (null), msg4 = (null)


The errors reported in migration.log are also written in ddlexport_xxx.log from $Siebel_File_System\migration\<migration_id>\log:

<date> Copying from Siebel Dictionary to memory...

<date> Will read Data Tables

<date> Will read Siebel Dictionary Tables

<date> Will read Interface Tables

<date> Will read Repository Tables

<date> Will read Indexes

<date> Will read Entire Schema

<date> Reading table <table_name> ...

<date> Reading index <index_name> ...

. . .

<date> DDLDICT-ERR-0001: Out of Memory allocating dbTbl.pDbInds.

<date> DDLDICT-ERR-1006: Unable to add table to list (dbTbl.pDbInds).

<date> DDLDICT-ERR-1017: Unable to copy data from Siebel dictionary (UTLDbTblAdd).

<date> Error in MainFunction (UTLDbDictToDb).

<date> Error in Main function...

<date> (logapi.cpp (184) err=1 sys=2) SBL-GEN-00001: (logapi.cpp: 184) error code = 1, system error = 2, msg1 = (null), msg2 = (null), msg3 = (null), msg4 = (null)

The "Out of Memory" issue cannot be reproduced if the migration back-end utility (ddldict) is used to manually export Siebel schema.


 Upgrade Linux OS to newer version. 


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