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ODA*CLI Commands DCS Stack Quick Link (New as of ODA X6-2S X6-2M and X6-2L) (Doc ID 2275480.1)

Last updated on JULY 24, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Database Appliance X6-2 HA Hardware - Version All Versions to All Versions [Release All Releases]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The documentation should always be consulted for the single-source of truth including existing and future ODA*CLI command syntax and options.

The initial usage of the DCS stack ODACLI and ODAADMCLI commands started with ODA X6-2 HA and ODA X6-2S ODA X6-2M X6-2L.
ODA*CLI commands are used exclusively for all hardware types on ODA release 18.3 and higher.¹
Until 18.3 older hardware types including X3-2 to X5-2 continued to use oakcli for ODA administration.
It is important to reference each version command line options as the DCS Stack ODA*CLI commands are expanded with each new ODA version.

This note will provide links to ODA documentation in order to identify the relevant commands available and introduced for that specific version.

ODA legacy appliance kit command line interface (OAKCLI) is still used for the Virtualized Platform (aka ODAVP).

About Oracle Appliance Manager Command-line Interface

Three Classes of Oracle Appliance Manager Tools
 Class of Command Tools Command Description Comment
Configuration / Deployment FirstNet² Used after racking and cabling ; 
Used by both the OAK and DCS Stack firstNet sets the IPs for network access ;   
Lifecycle management odacli *-*
Primary commands used to perform database and system administration tasks for the appliance

Use the ODACLI commands to perform lifecycle management tasks.
 e.g.  odacli describe-* odacli list-* odacli create-* odacli update-* ...etc

 odacli   [-h/--help]
                <category> [-h/--help]
                <operation> [-h/--help]
                <command> [-h/--help]
                <command> [<args>]

System administration odaadmcli *
Used to perform hardware administration tasks for the appliance

Always perform administrative tasks using the command-line utilities.
Combines the SYS database administrator role and the operating system Superuser (root user).

odaadmcli show *

# odaadmcli -h
        odaadmcli show -        Shows disk, diskgroup, expander, controller, server, processor,
            memory, power, cooling, network, enclosure, storage, fs, raidsyncstatus, env_hw,
             validation storage, validation storage failures, validation storage errors...

        odaadmcli manage      - Manages the OAK repository, diagcollect etc.,
        odaadmcli stordiag      - Run storage diagnostic tool on this Node

¹ ODA V1 does not use DCS ODACLI / ODAADMCLI as the last supported patch provided was
² FIRSTNET is used by both the oakcli stack for ODAVP as well as the DCS stack for bare metal

* DCS Stack Specific


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 About Oracle Appliance Manager Command-line Interface
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