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Logging in as ilom-admin on a 36P or GW Infiniband Switch running Firmware 2.2.8-2 hangs as well as the spsh command hangs (Doc ID 2362646.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 09, 2023

Applies to:

Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 - Version All Versions to All Versions [Release All Releases]
Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch - Version All Versions to All Versions [Release All Releases]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Failed to ssh NM2-GW IB switches ILOM as ilom-user post upgrading to IB switch firmware 2.2.8-2

Unable to SSH to NM2-GW & 36P IB switches ILOM through user ilom-admin, command appears to be hung


Logging into Infiniband switch as ilom-admin user hanges as well as logging in as root and starting ILOM with the spsh command

[root@cn01 ~]ssh ilom-admin@
[root@cn01 ~]

Also, command spsh is also hung.

ilom service failed to reboot

[root@ibswitchgw01-adm ~]# service ilom status
ILOM stack is partly started with 2 processes.
ILOM daemons that failed to start are : logmgr etcd fdd IPMIMain MsgHndlr PEF LAN plathwsvcd l umain ealertd webgo ssl_proxyd stdiscoverer stlistener
And, ILOM stack subsystem is not locked! ILOM daemons may have been started manually!
[root@elorl03gw01-adm ~]#

[root@ibswitchgw02-adm ~]# service ilom status
ILOM stack is partly started with 7 processes.
ILOM daemons that failed to start are : etcd fdd IPMIMain MsgHndlr PEF LAN plathwsvcd stdiscoverer stlistener
And, ILOM stack subsystem is not locked! ILOM daemons may have been started manually!



 Upgraded to Switch Firmware version 2.2.8-2


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