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Eagle | 46.7.2 | M2PA association in restricted state (Doc ID 2613362.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 18, 2022

Applies to:

Oracle Communications EAGLE (Software) - Version EAGLE 46.7 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : EAGLE 46.7 version, Eagle 5 - STP (Production)

*** M2pa Restricted Association in C-LINK between 2  STPs***

 2 STP1 &2 are connected via a linkset

from the STP1 side the 4 associations (of the C-links) is showing Established, but from STP2 side the 4 associations is showing restricted.
see attached the details.

STP release is :


 Nets Data

         IP Address           State   Reachable
               Port     2000                  Primary   YES
                MTU     1500                     cwnd   3000
           ssthresh     204800                    RTO   200

         IP Address          State   Reachable
               Port     2000                  Primary   NO
                MTU     1500                     cwnd   3000
           ssthresh     204800                    RTO   200

         IP Address                 State   Not Reachable
               Port     2000                  Primary   NO
                MTU     1500                     cwnd   3000
           ssthresh     204800                    RTO   0


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