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EM13c: Login to Enterprise Manager 13c Cloud Control BI Publisher Enterprise Report Page Fails: Login Failed, please retry (Doc ID 2536981.1)

Last updated on MAY 09, 2023

Applies to:

Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Enterprise Manager (EM) 13.2 Cloud Control

1. Accessing any of the reports from the BI Publisher Report Page i.e.

Enterprise --> Report --> BI Publisher Enterprise Report --> Clicked on Agents --> Agent Information --> redirected to BI Publisher web page.
Entering username as <USER> and its password, results in error: Login Failed, please retry.

2. The same credentials for <USER> user work for EM 13.2 Cloud Control.

3. Following exception is reported in the <gc_inst>/user_projects/domains/GCDomain/servers/BIP/logs/bipublisher.log file

4. The list of BIP reports appears in the EM console



Because the authentication works with same <USER> credentials for EM but not for BIP, it is necessary to find out the path of the jar file used for BIP xmlpserver application.
In order to get this detail, the BIP server application must be made as a target to wls-cat application using below two phases:

Phase 1:  In this phase, install the wls-cat application, target the BIP xmlpserver application and make it service all requests.

Install wls-cat application
Open a browser and login to Admin Server url of the EM setup.
Click on Deployments -> Click on Lock & Edit -> Click on Install
Enter the path as <OMS_HOME>/wlserver/server/lib in the text feild, -> Click on Next -> Select wls-cat.war -> Click Next.
Select "Install this deployment as an application" and Click Next

Target wls-cat to BIP xmlpserver Application:

In the Select deployment targets page, choose BIP_Cluster check box and ensure that "All servers in the cluster" is selected.
Click Next -> Click on Finish -> Activate Changes

Once the changes are activated, we need to start the wls-cat application to service all requests.

Start wls-cat application to service all requests:
Click Deployments, Customize the table and choose 100
In the list of deployments, navigate through pages until we see "wls-cat"
Click on Start -> Servicing all requests
Click Yes

Phase 2: In this, access the wls-cat application and then determine emseccredstore.jar for the xmlpserver application.

To determine emseccredstore.jar for the xmlpserver application:

Login to Admin server URL as weblogic user, Click Deployments -> Customize the table -> choose 100 in the drop down menu.

In the list of deployments, navigate through pages until we see "wls-cat" and click on "wls-cat" -> click on Testing tab.

Copy the url for wls-cat application and open it in new browser.

Enter the username as: weblogic and its password in the appropriate fields.

In the new page, left side tree, click on bipublisher -> click on xmlpserver -> click on Classloader Tree

Under System Classloaders section, click on the HashCode value for "weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader"

Enter the Classpath field next to "Resource to Analyze" as oracle.sysman.eml.sec.credstore.EMCredentialStore -> click on "Analyze Resource"

Verify that the path for jar file under the Load Location and if the jar file exists.


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