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E1: 41: Inventory Items FAQ (P4101/ P41026 / P4104 / P4107 / P41200) (Doc ID 1275844.1)

Last updated on JULY 22, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management - Version XE and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document provides answers to commonly asked questions regarding the Item Master, Item Branch and associated applications.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Question 1: How do you get the Next/Previous button to appear in the Item Branch/Plant Revisions screen (P41026 Form W41026A)?
 Question 2: How can an inventory item be deleted?
 Question 3: Can the Lot Status Code be shown in Location Search and Select (P41LOCN)?
 Question 4: Can an item be changed from a non-stock to a stock item?
 Question 5: What is the recommended method for dealing with multiple languages for item descriptions?
 Question 6: Is there a way to find out when an item number was originally created and by whom? 
 Question 7: In Item Master (P4101) in the Shipping/Storage (W4101D) form, why is the Shipping tab not accessible?
 Question 8: In Item Search (P41200), when searching for items with the Omit Zero Quantities box checked, items with zero quantity available still show up.  Why?
 Question 9: Can the Item Search (P41200) application be used to search with External Item Numbers?
 Question 10: How do media object attachments work in the Work With Item Locations program (P41024)?
 Question 11:  Why is a "Record Invalid" Error (0002) displayed when attempting to add a new Item Master record?
 Question 12: Is it possible to update the item number that has been used on open orders?
 Question 13: Is there an Approval Workflow for the Item Master that will send emails to users?

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