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E1: 03B: Frequently Asked Questions on Delinquency Notice and Fee Set-Up (P03B2501, P03B2801, P03013) (Doc ID 1492585.1)

Last updated on APRIL 16, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable - Version XE and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


 Frequently asked question on delinquency notice and fee set up

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Notice Set Up Questions
 Question 1: Why are no Delinquency notices being generated for a customer?
 Question 2: How do we do a mass update of the Delinquency Policy in the F03012 Customer Master? The alias PLYN does not appear in F03012. Where is the X-Ref between Customer and Delinquency Policy stored? Currently the delinquency X-Ref shows all customers linked to the wrong policy. How can I change this without having to change each one manually?
 Question 3: Does Grace Days for a delinquency policy works if the PO 7 Display non-delinquent invoices from tab Notices is 1?
 Fee Set Up Questions
 Question 1. How is the Retroactive Fee field in the Delinquency Fee Policy (P03B2501) used? 
 Question 2. How is the Currency Code field used in the Fee Policy?
 Question 3. When generating delinquency fees, an error message "AAI Missing" is generated. Which AAI is missing? 
 Question 4. How do we do a mass update of the Delinquency Policy in the F03012 Customer Master? The alias PLYN for Delinquency Policy numbers does not appear in F03012. Where is the cross-reference between Customer and Delinquency Policy stored? Currently the delinquency cross-reference shows all customers linked to the wrong policy. How can I change this without having to change each one manually?
 Question 5. How can I use an alternate payor (alias PYE) on delinquency fees?
 Question 6. If you turn on the Delinquency Fee option in the Customer Master for a customer for the first time, how do you get open invoices to also be included? How do you exclude open invoices if you turn off this option?
 Question 7. Why is my fee calculation not correct?

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