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E1: 40R: Demand Scheduling FAQ (P40R10/P3460/R47171/R40R010) (Doc ID 1554043.1)

Last updated on OCTOBER 25, 2023

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Demand Scheduling Execution - Version 8.10 to 9.1 [Release 8.10 to 9.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The following are various Questions and Answers for General Demand Scheduling applications.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Inbound Demand UBE (R47171)
 Question 1: How does the Create Demand UBE(R47171) use the workday calendar?
 Question 2: How does the Create Demand UBE(R47171) know when to flag records to ‘pending delete’ in the Demand Detail (F40R11) when the transaction set purpose code is set to ’05-replace’ in the EDI Header (F47171)?
 Question 3: How is the transaction purpose code in the Work with EDI Demand header (F47171) used by the EDI Inbound Demand Edit/Update (R47171) and how does it work with the existing Demand found in the demand detail table (F40R11)?
 Question 4:  When using a transaction set purpose code of 05 in the EDI Demand Header (F47171), the planned demand will be replaced with the firm demand in the F40R11 (Demand Detail) or the firm demand will always be replaced by the planned demand in the F40R11 (Demand Detail) when the customer is sending in two separate EDI documents for each 830 and 862 transaction set (or DELFOR and DELJIT).  How can this be prevented?
 Question 5 - Can the DELDATE (Delivery Date) preference be used with a route code to determine the promised delivery date of the demand detail (F40R11) base on a route code in the preference when running the R47171? The route has transit days setup in the route setup (F4950).
 Create Schedule UBE (R40R010)
 Question 1: When running the Create Demand Schedule (R40R010) the UBE fails with error “XAPI’ call failed.  Customer is not using XAPI  and would like to turn this functionality off is this possible?
 Question 2: When running the Create Demand Schedule (R40R010) over demand detail records to update existing Sales Orders, the R40R010 doesn’t do a recalculation of availability and the Sales Order remains with the same quantity that are available and on backorder.  Why didn’t the R40R010 recalculate the available quantity and backorder quantity when the availability has been changed since the creation of the Sales Order and the update/change of the Sales Order?
 Question 3:  Does the R40R010 need to be on a single threaded job queue?
 Question 4:  How do quantity increases and decreases affect sales order lines created from Demand Scheduling?
 Question 5: Does the R40R010 process demand detail records (F40R11) when the CRTSOSTS value is set to 0? Forecast records (F3460) are being deleted manually, but the R40R010 writes these records again when the R40R010 is ran.
 Question 6: Are intercompany orders supported in Demand Scheduling when creating sales orders using the R40R010?
 Question 7: Can a new version of the R40R040 be setup to be called from the R40R010 or is it hard coded to use the XJDE0001 version?
 Question 1: How does the Refresh Actuals (R3465) split the demand into weekly or monthly based on the Advanced Preference FOREDATE set up?
 Question 2: Customer is shipping product from the US to Europe via ocean vessel, the current planned and firm demand is sent by the customer with delivery dates which are the requested dates within the demand detail (F40R11).  Currently the Work with Forecast (P3460) is being generated with delivery dates and doesn’t take into account transit days or time.  How can the Create Demand Schedule UBE include transit days and time to create the correct forecast requested dates?
 Question 3: When processing forecast records using the Create Demand Schedule UBE (R40R010/R3465), the first record in the demand detail (F40R11) with a requested date in the past is not being populated in the Work with Forecast (P3460).  The past date quantity is being included in the next week’s forecast.  Why does this occur? Customer is expecting to see the forecast table (F3460) to match the dates and quantities entered in the Demand Detail (F40R11).
 Question 4:  When running the Create Demand Schedule (R40R010/R3465) the dates and quantities are not matching or are missing within the Work with Forecast (P3460) versus what has been received into the Demand Detail (F40R11). What could cause this to occur?  
 Question 5: Currently in UDC 40R/PD there is a value of ‘F-Flexible’.  Does the Refresh Acutals (R3465) calculate flexible demand periods for Planned Demand?   
 Question 6: When running the Create Demand Schedule (R40R010/R3465) for a future fiscal year no forecast records are being generated within the Work with Forecast (P3460).  The current fiscal year forecast is being generated, no errors are being written to the work center and the Create SO status (CRTSOSTS)=0.
 Question 7:  Customer has set the R3465 to create forecast by bill-to and the FOREDATE and SCHEFENC Preferences have been created by sold-to.  When the Create Demand UBE (R40R010) is ran the Forecast (P3460) records are still being created by ship-to.  Is this a set up issue or is this Working as per the design?
 Question 8:  Customer has the demand period set to 'D' for daily for Planned Demand with the Demand Detail (F40R11).  When the R40R010 is ran the Forecast (P3460) is missing records that were in the Demand Detail (F40R11). Why is this occurring?
 Question 1: What is the purpose and functionality behind the Demand Type (DETYP) code of ‘T=Pilot’ within the UDC 40/DT?
 Question 2: Can the Launch Demand Net Variance Workflow (R40R110) be ran after running the Create Demand Schedule UBE (R40R010) or does it have to be ran immediately after running the EDI Inbound Demand Edit/Update (R47171)?
 Question 3:  Will the preference work in update mode..meaning that the Demand header already exist in the F40R10 and they now want standard pack turned on?  And 2) If the preference works only in Add mode..New customer new demand  header..then why can the user manually update an existing record to use standard pack and what impact will this have on existing records?
 Question 4: Is there more than one job that touches the workfile R40R30WF besides the Create Schedule UBE (R40R010)?
 Question 5:  Can the RNDSTDPK (Round to Standard Pack) Advanced Preference type be used on existing items? Or only on new items?
 Question 6:  Why does the F40R11 record automatically get deleted when an order is ship confirmed?
 Question 7: How are the Release Date (RLDJ) and Release Number (RLNU) populated in the F4211 (Sales Order Detail) table?
 Question 8:  How is the F40R13 populated?
 Question 9:  How is data populated in the F40R31?
 Question 10: How to set Demand Scheduling module in order to not allow R40R010 process to modify the sales order beyond a certain status of the order's line?

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