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E1: 47: EDI 850 Inbound Purchase Orders (850/ORDERS) FAQ (Doc ID 1595999.1)

Last updated on OCTOBER 10, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne EDI - Version XE to 9.1 [Release XE to 9.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document provides answers to frequently asked questions about the set up and processing of EDI Inbound 850 - Inbound POs.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Adding Lines
 Question 1: When adding a Freight line to an existing order using the EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011) the system throws a SQL database error stating there is a Primary Key Violation in F4201 Sales Order Header Table. Why does this occur and how can EDI be used to process the freight line?
 Address Processing
 Question 1: An EDI trading partner sends a value of 45 for a ship to location. The EnterpriseOne address book value for this location is 65991. How to set the relationship between these 2 values?
 Question 2: When EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011) is run with a record existing in EDI Order Address Information (F4706) populated with an override ship to address, the corresponding sales order gets created without creating an Order Address Information (F4006) record. Why is this occurring?
 Closed Lines
 Question 1: How can closed sales order lines be entered through EDI without creating soft commitments against item availability?
 Question 2: When running the R47011 (transaction set 850) to create a closed order, all the dates populated in the F47012 table copy to the F4211 of the generated order, except the GL (DGL), Invoice (IVD) and Actual Ship (ADDJ) Dates. Is there a setting or setup required to force these dates to copy from the F47012 table?
 Costs and Price Overrides
 Question 1: We are using the EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011) to convert orders to EnterpriseOne that were originally created in a legacy system with zero price and zero extended amount. Base prices exist in the Base Price table (F4106) for the items, but a zero price is still needed for these orders. How can we prevent the EDI data from being overridden with data from the F4106?  Is there a processing option we can deactivate that will prevent the data from "looking" at the F4106 table and process the order with a price of zero?
 Question 1: The EDI Inbound 850 (R47011) is updating the currency code in the sales order to domestic when the order should be created as foreign. Why is this happening?
 Direct Ship Orders
 Question 1:  When processing Direct shipments using the EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011)  the first line in the SD is created with the related number set to '00000' and the OD is missing the first line.
 Errors / Unexpected Results
 Question 1:  When the EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011) encounters an error on one line why does the entire EDI Document (EDOC) get rejected? Why doesn't the EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011) create a Sales Order from the lines that were not in error?
 Question 2: The R47011 completed without error and a sales order is correctly generated. But, all grid fields are now locked when checking the order in the P4210 application. Why is this happening?
 Question 3: When the R47011 application (EDI Inbound Purchase Order Edit/Create) runs over the selected Header/Detail records (F47011/12), does it create Work Center messages when there is an error? Additionally, is the system able to identify which table (F47011, F47012, or both) are in error, at the Work Center level?
 Fields Available
 Question 1: What are the Integration Reference fields (IR01-IR05) in EDI 850 Inbound (F47011/12) tables and the Sales Order (F4201/11) tables used for?
 Question 2: When running EDI Inbound processor (R47011) with the Reference (VR03) field populated in the EDI Header (F47011) why does the Sales Order Header (F4201) and Detail (F4211) get created with a blank in the field when VR01 and VR02 appear to work?
 Question 3: A client uses SQL to populate the Shipment Number (SHPN) in the EDI Inbound 850 Detail (F47012).  After running the EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011) to create the Sales Order, the Shipment Number is not written to the SO Detail record (F4211) created by EDI.
 Question 4: Is it possible to assign the List Price (LPRC) in the Sales Order Detail (F4211) using the EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011) process?
 Question 5: What is the purpose of the fields EXVAR0 through EXVAR13 and EXNMQ through EXNMP2 in the  EDI  850 Inbound PO Header (F47011)?
 Question 6:  Can use of Production Numbers be used in EDI and R47011 Sales Order creation?
 Question 7: Can you use the same EDOC - EDI Document Number for multiple records in the EDI F47011/F47012 Header and detail tables and also for the DOCO - Sales Order Number? 
 Question 8:  When a sales order is created from an EDI sales quote/blanket order, what customer use fields in the EDI header/ detail tables will default from the blanket into the created sales order, and be retained through the sales order process?
 Question 9: Can the Uniform Product Code (UPC Number) be input into the EDI Detail (F47012) and be used to automatically determine the Unit of Measure for the quantity ordered?
 Question 1: We have loaded data into the EDI Purchase Order Header Commission Inbound (F4701150) and Detail (F4701260) tables. When running the R47011 process the sales order is created but the Sales Order Header Commission (F42150) and Sales Order Detail Commission (F42160) are not populated. Has the R47011 been updated in release 9.0 to also update the F42150 and F42160?
 Question 2: How is the EDI Purchase Order Detail Tag - Inbound table (F47012T) used?
 Question 3:  Are there any applications or UBEs using the PO Workfiles (F4301Z and F4311Z) other than the EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011)?
 Question 4:  There are five indexes for the PO Header Workfile (F4301Z),  two of which (index 1 and 3) are marked as unique. Does Oracle see any issues if the customer changes the index 1 to be non-unique index?
 Intercompany Orders
 Question 1: Is it possible to create SI Intercompany orders using EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011)?
 Item Cross Reference
 Question 1: Item Cross Reference (P4104) is set up for Replacement items so that if an item is obsolete a replacement can be identified and selected during interactive sales order entry (P4210). How does this to work for Sales Orders created using the EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011)? Can EDI orders automatically replace the entered obsolete item with a replacement item?
 Kits and Configured Items
 Question 1: Can the EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011) be used to create Sales Orders for Kits?
 Question 2: Can the EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011) be used to create Sales Orders for Configured Items?
 Order Types, Line Types and Line Numbering
 Question 1: There is a line type defined in the F47012 table, but the orders are all getting populated with an S line type, why?
 Question 2: Can a new order type/line type set up be created and data selected upon in one version of the R47011?
 Question 3: When the number of order lines for one order exceeds 999, the system will not accept the order. Are 999 lines per order an EnterpriseOne maximum, or is there a workaround available?
 Question 1: Are Localizations supported with R47011?
 Question 1: R47011 is not performing Advanced Preference commitments.  How can this be resolved?
 Subsystem Processing
 Question 1:  Customer needs to implement the EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011) as a subsystem job, is this something that can be done in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne?
 Text and Media Objects Processing
 Question 1: When EDI 850 Inbound PO processor (R47011) is run using an EDI document that contains unformatted text extensions with all 60 characters populated in the EDI Order Text Lines – Detail (F4715) Message Text Line (TXLN) field, the job ends with Status E (Error) in work with submitted jobs.
Running the job locally with debug shows the Error was issued by EDI - Convert EDI Text To Generic Text (B4700070). If the text fields in EDI Order Text Lines – Detail (F4715) are populated with less than 60 characters, the jobs will process without error.
How can orders with unformatted text lines be processed successfully through the EDI Inbound 850 UBE (R47011)?
 Question 2: A flat file storing Record Type 7 for import into the EDI Order Text Lines – Header table (F4714) has a carriage return at the end of each text line. After running Flat File Conversion (R47002C), the uploaded text lines are stored in separate lines in EDI Order Text Lines – Header table (F4714). However in Inbound EDI Order Revisions (P47010) > Header Revisions > Header Notes > Media Object Viewer, the F4714 text lines are displayed in single stream with space character between each text line instead of displaying in separate lines.
 Question 3: How can R47011 process records with associated F4714 / F4715 attachments so that the icon appears as expected to the right of the address when sales order is initially reviewed using P42101?
 Transfer Orders
 Question 1: Can Sales Transfer Orders (ST/OT) be created using the EDI 850 Inbound Process (R47011)?
 Blanket Orders
 Question 1: Can the EDI 850 Inbound processor (R47011) be used to "Automatically select blanket when one unique blanket is identified" as it does in P4210?
 Unit of Measure
 Question 1:  Does the R47011 have the ability to default the UOM by Customer (AN8 or SHAN)? For instance Customer A only buys a product in BX and Customer B only buys in PK, but the item is set up in EA. Is there a way to handle this via the R47011?
 Both these workarounds are outside the scope of EnterpriseOne and are only suggestions.
 Question 2: Why is Error 4161 - UOM Conversion Unsuccessful generated when all UOM Conversions appears to be set up for each item?
 Selling Prices
 Question 1: If the price populated in EDI 850 Inbound purchase order data is different to the latest selling price, is there a way to notify a customer of the price discrepancy before creating the sales order?
 Manufacturing Processes
 Question 1: Can the R47011 Header and Detail tables (F47011 and F47012) be considered in MRP as part of demand?
 Question 1: Can the EDI Program R47011 prevent sales order creation?

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