E1: 03B: Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Automatic Receipt Processing (a.k.a. Auto Receipts or Auto Cash)
(Doc ID 2023663.1)
Last updated on SEPTEMBER 18, 2024
Applies to:
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable - Version XE and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
This document provides answers to some frequently asked questions Regarding Algorithms for Automatic Receipt Processing (aka Auto Cash) Within EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable (R03B50A, R03B50B, R03B50D, R03B50E, R03B50F).
Questions and Answers
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In this Document
Purpose |
Questions and Answers |
General Questions Automatic Receipts |
Question 1: Can it be determined which algorithm on the execution list matched the receipt to an invoice? |
Question 2: Can data selection on algorithms be used to process certain invoices? |
Question 3: Is the 'Auto Receipt Algorithm Method' field (data item alias ALGM) in the Company Constants table (F0010) supposed to be populated with the algorithm information? |
Question 4: What fields/Aliases are the "Match Priority" tab fields using in the F03B13 for record retrieval? |
Question 5: Why does the algorithm Known Invoice Match with Amount (R03B50D) not apply a partial receipt to an invoice, if the processing option for Tolerance is set to a 1 (one)? |
Question 6: Is it okay if I only specify the Invoice Number (DOC) details in F03B13Z1 table for the R03B50D algorithm processing? |
Question 7: Why does the Known Invoice Match with Amount (R03B50D) sometimes correctly apply receipts to all pay items even if the pay item is not defined in the Electronic Receipts Input (F03B13Z1)? |
Question 8: How is the Generic Match field used in relation to the Match Priority on sales order number and customer reference number? |
Question 9: Is it possible to limit which invoices are matched by an algorithm, such as R03B50D, for example by pay status? |
Question 11: Can the Parent Number (PA8) be used by the Auto Cash functionality to match invoices for child address book records? |
Question 12: Is the Customer Address Number (AN8) considered when R03B50D matches receipts to invoices? |
Question 13: Can you process G/L receipts from the auto cash process using the F03B13Z1 and R03B551? |
Question 14: When attempting to post 9B type batch the post issues message: "No F0911 records exist in this Batch.". Why is that? |
Question 15: Can an unapplied receipt (RU) that was created from a leftover amount on a cash receipt, be applied to an open invoice via Auto Receipts? |
Question 18: Using the R03B50A algorithm, why are invoices from a company being processed, even though this company is not part of our data selection? |
Question 19: When try to access the automatic receipt from Standard Receipts Entry (P03B102), "Record In Use by Auto Receipts"(Error ID = 033I) happens. Why ? |
Question 20: In general, is it possible to have the system create a separate receipts batch for each receipt that is processed via Auto Receipts (R03B551, R03B50)? |
Question 21: How can you map the F03B13Z1 for one receipt to pay multiple invoices? |
Questions about Apply Receipts To Invoices (R03B50) |
Question 1: Where can the Search Method processing option be found? |
Question 3: Is it possible for the UBE Apply Receipts to Invoices (R03B50) to select receipts from a prior fiscal year, and apply the invoices? |
Question 4: Can Standard Receipts Entry (P03B102) and Apply Receipts to Invoices (R03B50) run simultaneously? |
Question 5: At what point does the Auto Receipt Status Flag (data dictionary item ASTA) get changed to a 1? |
Question 6: Is it possible to create a single RB batch when R03B50 is submitted rather then one RB batch for each applied receipt? |
Question 7: When is it OK to purge data from the Electronic Receipts Input Table (F03B13Z1)? |
Question 8: How can I correctly reprocess receipts using the Automatic Receipts Process when the Receipts Header (F03B13) has a 0 value in the Payor Number (PYR) on a logged receipt? |
Question 9: Is there a report that will tell me which receipts got matched successfully to invoices, and which receipts did not get matched, when running Apply Receipts to Invoices (R03B50)? |
Question 11: The R03B50F algorithm does not match successfully with an invoice when there is perfect match on just some of the invoice pay items. |
Question 12: Can any of the algorithms successfully match a receipt to just some pay items of an invoice when the receipt information supplied is limited to customer/payor and amount information? |
Question 13: Can any of the algorithms successfully match a receipt without creating chargeback or deductions? |
Question 14: Is it possible to use the R03B50D algorithm to make a match between a value on the F03B13Z1 receipt data and the VINV field in the F03B11? |
Question 15: When using Automated Receipts Processing, what F03B13Z1 field would be used to match for invoices with the Customer Reference (VR01) field populated in the F03B11? |
Question 16: When matching one invoice algorithm Known Invoice Match with Amount (R03B50D) is not taking discount, but is creating a Write Off instead. Why is that? |
Question 17: When using R03B50, which Processing Options need to be set for a zero receipt amount (a spread)? |
Question 18: It is possible to have multiple Write-Off and Chargeback with different reason code by each invoice when processing Automatic Receipts? |
Question 19: Why is the R03B50 PDF showing the error 'Known Invoice Match With Amount Version xxxxxxx' when using the algorithm Known Invoice Match with Amount (R03B50D)? |
Questions about Update Receipt Header (R03B551) |
Question 2: Why does the Next Number for Batch Numbers increment when running the Update Receipts Header report (R03B551) even though the number is still available? |
Question 3: Can Update Receipts Header (R03B551) process zero amount receipts created to offset an invoice and credit memo? |
Question 4: We are not able to get the new generic match field RMR1 to match properly, why? |
Question 5: Can the Parent Number (PA8) be used by the Auto Cash functionality to match invoices for child address book records? |
Question 6: Does the EDI Line Number field (alias EDLN) in the Electronic Receipts table (F03B13Z1) accept decimal values? |
Question 8: Does R03B551 pass Data Selection or Batch Number at completion? |
Question 9: How is identified the company used by R03B551 to apply a receipt? |
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