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E1: 40: Troubleshoot F41021WF in Inventory Transaction (Doc ID 2068721.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 07, 2023

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Foundation - Version 9.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The primary purpose of the workfile F41021WF is it enables user/application to rollback a certain transaction when hitting a Commit Fail error. This document is intended for the environment where you hit frequent Commit Fail error and/or discrepancy between F4111 (Item Ledger File) and F41021 (Item Location File) or growing orphaned data from F41021WF (F41021 Transaction Workfile). This document is to analyze as-is configuration and possible way to debug when you have this type of issue.

Troubleshooting Steps

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In this Document
Troubleshooting Steps
 Question 1:  What's table F41021WF (F41021 Transaction Workfile) for?
 Question 2: What is the relationship between F41021WF and F41021 (Item Location File)?
 Question 3: What is a transaction and commit fail error and rollback?
 Question 4: What is rollback process in system level and user interface level?
 Question 5: What is a typical auto-rollback routine?
 Question 6: Is growing data from F41021WF normal?
 Question 7: How to handle it when we determine it is orphaned data?
 Question 8: History of auto-rollback routine and it's considerations?
 Question 9: Can data from F41021WF are purged? Any concerns?
 Question 10: Example of actual transactions which affects F41021WF?
 Question 11: Business Functions related?
 Question 12: What are applications which access F41021WF directly?
 Question 13: If I run the R42210 open, what would be the impact of deleting a record in there written by P4205 or R47500 for example for a transaction that is processing at the time without problems? Would it still complete correctly?
 Question 14: I see a lot of records in there for TP4210. I assume that is for commitment purposes. Many records have a quantity on PO (PREQ) or soft commit (PCOM). What is the impact of deleting those records? I run the sales order repost every night (R42995). I assume that my commitments or quantity on PO in already incorrect in my F41021 and deleting them or not will not change that until I run the R42995 or R42990. Is that a fair assumption?

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