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E1: OMWWEB: Frequently Asked Questions On User Defined Objects (UDOs) (Doc ID 2068939.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 13, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document provides answers to frequently asked questions on User Defined Objects (UDOs).

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Overview and Use
 Question 1. What are User Defined Objects (UDOs)?
 Question 2. What are the tables used by UDO?
 Question 3. How do you work with UDO?
 Question 4. How can I run the User Defined Object Administration (P98220U) application from a web client?
 Question 5. How do you search for UDOs in OMW-WEB/P98220U?
 Question 6: How can you preview a UDO from P98220U?
 Question 7. Is there a limit on the number of UDOs?
 Question 8. Is UDO preserved during upgrade?
 Question 9. How to change the name of an UDO?
 Question 10: What options are available when numerous users want to change the Conditions on a shared query or Display and Order on a shared grid?
 Question 11: Is it possible to repair UDO once it is corrupted?
 Question 12: Is it possible to request Export to Excel functionality to the two EnterpriseOne Search screens?
 Question 13: How is a UDO name (WOBNM) created?
 Question 14: How is the "Display and Order" section in the Grid Format Manager window populated?
 Question 15: Is there a way to find out who was the last person that modified a UDO?
 Question 16: Is it possible to have special characters for short descriptions on UDOs?
 Question 17: How to remove or delete an UDO object from all environments?
 Question 18: How to list all the UDOs belonging to a specific UDO type(Ex:Orchestrations) in a pathcode?
 Question 1. What is the UDO action security for?
 Question 2. What is the UDO View security for?
 Question 3. Action and View security are set up properly but the user still not able to work with FORMATS. Why?
 Question 4. Are there any concerns with granting UDO View Security for *PUBLIC *ALL?
 Share, Publish, Promote, Transfer
 Question 1. How do you approve a UDO?
 Question 2. How do you Reject a UDO?
 Question 3. What are the options to copy UDO from one environment to another?
 Question 4. Is there a way to send a notification email or workcenter message when user request to share any UDOs for approval?
 Question 5. Is it possible to UN-share shared object (UDO) in one path code?
 Question 6. Is there a way to specify who should get a published UDO when requesting to share/publish?
 Question 7. Is there a way to allow the users to only check-in but not publish UDOs in OMW web - P98220W?
 Question 8. How to share or apply an UDO for a particular user or role?
 Question 1. Where can I find complete documentation on User Defined Objects (UDO)?
 Question 2. How to find all available UDO?

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