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E1: 34: Planned Effective Date Not Updated When Request Date is Changed in Detail Message Review (P3411) (Doc ID 2215147.1)

Last updated on APRIL 13, 2023

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning - Version 9.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


EnterpriseOne 9.1
With Manufacturing Effective Days (alias LEDD) defined in the Lot Processing tab of the Item Branch/Plant form (P41026), MRP recognizes the value and calculates the date based on the LEDD value added to the Requested Date.This field is defined as follows: The number of days that an item must remain in inventory before the system considers the item to be available for sales and manufacturing commitments. To calculate the lot effective date, the system adds the number that you enter in this field to the based on date that appears in the Lot Master table (F4108).

The process is go into the Detail Message Review (P3411), change the Requested Date and clear out the Start Date and the Effective Date. The system recalculates the Start Date correctly, but does not recalculate the Planned Effective Date.

1. For a Manufactured Item (Stock Type M), create an Item Master record (P4101), Item Branch/Plant record (P41026), Bill of Material (P3002), and Routing (P3003).
2. in the Lot Processing tab of the Item Branch/Plant main form (P41026), define the Lot Process Type (alias SRCE) field as Lot Controlled (in this example 3), and define a value in the Manufacturing Effective Dates (alias LEDD) field
3. Create demand for the item via sales order details (P4210).
4. Run MRP Generation (R3482 or R3483). Check the MRP Detail Message Review form and note the Order (Type O) Messages. The Effective Date is correctly populated as one day after the Start Date definition based on the LEDD value of ‘1’ in the Item Branch/Plant.
5. Go into the detail of P3411 for one of the records to modify the Request Date.
6. Clear the Start Date and Effective Date, then change the Request Date.

7. Tab down and notice that the Start Date is calculated properly. However, the Effective Date is the same date as the Request Date as the system is not adding the value defined in the LEDD field.




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