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E1: 76B: Order Receipts (P4312/P4312BR) is Not Recording the Invoice Number (VINV) in Receiver Table (F43121) Landed Cost Expense Lines (Doc ID 2678630.1)

Last updated on FEBRUARY 03, 2025

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement and Subcontract Management - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When a purchase order that includes landed costs is received, only the item receipt line is updated with the invoice number (VINV) information in the Receipts table (F43121). Therefore, at voucher match the auto-generated concatenation of the Nota Fiscal Number and Series (coming from F7601B) is recorded only in the (MTC) Match Type 2 record for the item receipt but not for the landed cost expense lines.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:



  1. BR localization enabled
  2. Create a Landed Cost rule (P41291). The Landed Cost line  must have the voucher flag enabled. Setup P4312 version for Landed Cost
  3. Create purchase order P4310/P4310BR. Setup Processing Option for Landed Cost (LC)
  4. Receive Order with P4312/P4312BR. Nota Fiscal (NF) Generated is 6122 01 NF.  
  5. In the Landed Cost form, inform a value into one or all the Landed Cost expense line(s).
  6. Close the NF.
  7. Verify in  PO Receipts-F43121, that the original order item line and Landed Cost lines are  filled in field LAND = 1 for the main line and =2 for Landed Costs. Also note the invoice field (VINV) is filled in only for the receipt/item line using the NF number, but the landed cost expenses lines are left blank in this field. This is the symptom cause. Verify NF and Series record in F7601B Header.
  8. Match the voucher (P0411 version calls P4314/P4314BR) .
  9. Select the item receipt line to voucher match 10. The system automatically fills in the field invoice number in the voucher header form, = 00612201 (VINV).  This invoice number is the auto-generated result of the concatenation of the NF Number (6122) and the NF Series (01)  coming from F7601B and  F43121.VINV link. Finish voucher, invoice number is updated automatically.
  10. In Table F43121 (VINV) match type 2 record is updated  = 00612201 for the corresponding voucher document PV, LC = 1.
  11. Now, voucher match the LC expenses (P0411/P4314BR), in Form Match Voucher to Open Receipt then select Receipts to Match. Select the Landed Cost line.  Click OK.
  12. User lands in the Voucher Match form, but this time (VINV) field is left blank/grayed out and cannot be edited. Verify record in F43121 (VINV).  Only the match type 2 for the item PV has the invoice number populated (00612201) and for the LC MT 2 line, VINV is left blank.
  13. Since the LC line does not have the (VINV) filled in the F43121, the Voucher Match program cannot trace, locate and link the NF in the F7601B and leaves the invoice number blank.


This issue is reported in Bug 31143978 : INVOICE NUMBER NOT RECORDED FOR LANDED COST LINES BY P4312/P4312BR

Members Affected 

Landed Cost Invoice Update               D76B4312
Landed Cost Invoice Update                 N76B4312
Get Nota Fiscal Number - BRA - 43B    N76B702

Before the fix, when a purchase order that includes landed costs is received, only the item receipt line is updated with the invoice number (VINV) information in the Receipts table (F43121).

After the fix, when a purchase order that includes landed costs is received the item receipt line is updated with the invoice number (VINV) information in the Receipts table (F43121) and the voucher match form.


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