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E1: MOBJ: Media Object Upload Fails with Error "WIN NT File upload to the server failed" even after JAS.INI UseMOWinNTShare=false is Set and FTP has been Configured (on Websphere) (Doc ID 2747422.1)

Last updated on MAY 23, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools - Version 9.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Web Server on IBM iSeries (AS400) and Websphere 9.0


As the web server is on IBM iSeries platform and the Media Object File Server defined in P98MOQUE is on Windows 2016 platform, FTP is configured as per Document 2043611.1 - E1: MOBJ: How to Configure Media Objects to Work on the HTML / Web Client with FTP and SFTP (Generally a NON-Windows Web Server).

However, when user tries to save a Media Object file attachment, the following on-screen error is received:

The following setting in JAS.INI has already been set to turn off Windows File Sharing:

The errors WIN NT File upload to the server failed and JDEOWDirect.saveFileMOWinNTShare() indicates that system still think that Windows File Sharing is set to true.


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