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E1: 03B: When Convert Unapplied Receipts to Credit Memos (R03B620) is Run for a Partially Unapplied Draft, it Incorrectly Blanks Out the Draft Status field (alias DDST) on the Receipt Header table (F03B13) for the Draft. (P03B602) (Doc ID 2770678.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 01, 2022

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When the Convert Unapplied Receipts to Credit Memos (R03B620) UBE is run for the unapplied portion of a draft receipt, it incorrectly sets the Draft Status field (alias DDST) on the Receipt Header table (F03B13) for the draft to a blank.

As a result, the draft can no longer be viewed in the Draft Inquiry (P03B602) program. This is a problem because if the draft has not yet been remitted to the bank or has not yet been closed, now it is no longer eligible for either Draft Remittance or Draft Closure.


  1. Setup:
    1. AAI: set up RDx AAIs
    2. P0030G: set up a record with bank info for the GL bank account
    3. Set up a customer for drafts:
      1. P03013: set up a default draft payment instrument
      2. P0030A: set up a record for the customer with bank type D and with bank info
  2. Processing:
    1. P03B2002: create an invoice with the following values for the customer:
      1. Invoice date: 20-Apr-2021
      2. Disc & net due dates: 20-May-2021
      3. Amount: 2,000.00
    2. R09801: post the invoice
    3. P03B602: create a draft receipt with the following values for the invoice:
      1. Draft date: 20-Apr-2021
      2. Draft due date: 20-Apr-2021
      3. GL date: 20-Apr-2021
      4. Draft amount: 3,000.00
    4. R09801: post the draft
    5. P03B602: inquire on the draft:
      1. Draft amount: 3,000.00
      2. Open amount: 1,000.00
      3. Draft status: 4
    6. P03B2002: inquire on the customer:
      1. RI: closed
      2. RU: gross amount = 3,000.00- and open amount = 1,000.00-
      3. R1: gross amount = blank and open amount = 3,000.00
    7. Run R03B620 to turn the RU into a credit memo (doc type RM)
    8. P03B2002: inquire on the customer:
      1. RI: closed
      2. RM: gross amount = blank and open amount = 1,000.00-
      3. R1: gross amount = blank and open amount = 3,000.00
      4. No RU
    9. P03B602: inquire on the draft: the draft receipt cannot be found!





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