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E1: 43: When Cancelling a Purchase Order on Budget Hold (B1) PO Entry (P4310) Writes a Decommitment Record for the Canceled Amount (Doc ID 2940655.1)

Last updated on APRIL 07, 2023

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement and Subcontract Management - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When cancelling Purchase Order on Budget Hold (B1) PO Entry (P4310) writes a decommitment record for the canceled amount even though the order was never committed while it was on B1 hold. This issue cannot be duplicated with new data but can be duplicated repeatedly with a specific cost center and subledger that is in use in their company.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. The customer is using Job Cost Budgets with (JA) Ledger, which they display using Job Status Inquiry (P512000A)
    1. Original Budget is 100,000.00
    2. Commitments are 70,000.00
    3. Available Budget Remaining is 30,000.00
  2. Commitment Inquiry (P40230A) shows a commitment of 70,000.00 against:
    1. Account 1XXXXXXXXX.1XXXXX.1
    2. Subledger Type A and Subledger 003XXXXX
  3. Create a Purchase Order using the version for order entry for an Item Number and a B1 Line Type for 40,000.00 against the account and subledger with 30,000.00 available budget.
  4. When the user clicks OK, the Budget Warning Appears, stating “Detail line amount exceeds budget” (Error ID 107T). Click OK again.
  5. Reinquire on order and verify the order went on B1 Hold.
  6. Check the Commitment Inquiry (P40230A) and there was not record written for the order number, because it is on Budget Hold.
  7. Go back into the Purchase Order and cancel the line.
    1. Order Line is crossed out, status goes to 980/999 and Cancel Date is populated.
  8. Check the Commitment Inquiry (P40230A)
    1. Order was decommitted for -40,000.00 even though it was on B1 hold and it was never committed for +40,000.00




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