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E1: ORCH: FORMEXTNS: Is There a Way to Validate Data Entered on Form so That When Orchestration/Logic Extension Throws an Error, the Action of Saving is Stopped (Doc ID 3036734.1)

Last updated on JULY 23, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator - Version 9.2 and later
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


There is a requirement to validate data on a screen so that when the user selects the OK button, a form error is displayed and the action of saving on the form is to be stopped.


Form Extension and Orchestration Design:

  1. Create a Logic Extension that accepts the phone type value and if the value entered is equals to "HOM" phone type, throws a Form Error (018A).
  2. Create an Orchestration to call this Logic Extension and implements the Messages option to display a message once execution is completed.
  3. Add a Form Extension on the Phone Numbers form (P0115|W0115A) and associate the Orchestration to the OK Button (Button Clicked event).
  4. Map the Phone Type value.
  5. Set the Execution option to "Execute After Event"
  6. Set to Run Synchronously and Show Message.

Testing Steps:

  1. Run Address Book application (P01012).
  2. For a Address Book record, select Row Exit "Phones"
  3. On Phone Numbers form, enter phone number record with HOM as the phone type.
  4. Click OK button.


  1. Message is displayed as form error stating an invalid value error.
  2. Cancel out of the screen.
  3. Go back to the Phone Numbers form, the record is still saved.


The user's expectation is to stop executing the existing event rules on the form when the Orchestration throws an error so that the form data is not saved.

Is there a way to prevent form data to be saved when Orchestration that is associated in a Form Extension throws an error?



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