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E1: OMW: Original Object Description (F9860.XML SIMD) is not Retained When an Object is Restored from a PAR File (Doc ID 3038491.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2025

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Original object description (F9860.XML SIMD) is not retained when an object is restored from a PAR file.

For example, save a checked in object to a PAR file, and subsequently change the object description. When the PAR file is restored, the original description (F9860.XML SIMD) is not retained. Comparatively, if the object is not checked in prior to saving the object to a PAR file, and subsequently the description is changed, the original description (F9860.XML SIMD) is retained when the PAR file is restored.


Test 1 - Object is Checked In

  1. Fast Path to OMW (Object Management Workbench)
  2. Create OMW Project (e.g. T00)
  3. Search for P0014
  4. Add P0014 to new Project T00
  5. Copy P0014 to P5514A, Description: Payment Terms Checked In
  6. Click OK
  7. Check in P5514A
  8. Save P5514A to PAR file
  9. Extract contents of P5514A.par file
  10. Open F9860.xml
  11. Verify description: col name="SIMD"> Payment Terms Checked In
  12. In OMW, select Object P5514A and click on Design
  13. Change the Description to Payment Terms Checked In Changed
  14. Restore P5514A (APPL_P5514A_60_99.par)
  15. Fast path to UTB (Universal Table Browser)
  16. Open F9860 table
  17. Enter P5514A in SIOBNM column > click find
  18. Verify Description F9860 SIMD = Payment Terms Checked In Changed

Note: The original description Payment Terms Checked In is not retained when the object PAR file is restored.
Test 2 - Object is not Checked In

  1. In OMW project T00
  2. Copy P0014 to P5514B, Description: Payment Terms NOT Checked In
  3. Click OK
  4. Save P5514B to PAR file
  5. Extract contents of P5514B.par file
  6. Open F9860.xml
  7. Verify description col name="SIMD"> Payment Terms NOT Checked In
  8. In OMW, select Object P5514B and click on Design
  9. Change the Description to Payment Terms NOT Checked In Changed
  10. Restore P5514B (APPL_P5514B_60_99.par)
  11. Fast path to UTB (Universal Table Browser)
  12. Open F9860 table
  13. Enter P5514B in SIOBNM column > click find
  14. Verify Description F9860 SIMD = Payment Terms NOT Check In

Note: The original description Payment Terms NOT Checked In is retained when the object PAR file is restored.


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