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E1: BSFN: Date Business Functions in the EnterpriseOne (Doc ID 626493.1)

Last updated on JUNE 26, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools - Version 8.97 and Prior and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document details some of the most common Date Business Functions available in the EnterpriseOne, how to use the business functions and known issues.


This document is intended for the EnterpriseOne Developer who may need to use a Date Business Function while developing or modifying an Interactive or Batch Application or Report.


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In this Document
 Summary Table of the Date Business Functions
 What is JDE Julian Date?
 Date Masks
 API FormatDate
 B0000127 ReturnTodaysDate
 B0700068 RetrieveDayofWeek
 B4201480 GetDayofWeek
 B0800013 ConvertStringToDate
 B0800208 ConvertStringDateToDateFormat
 B3000250 GetMonthDescription
 B3000260 GetYearDescription
 B41B0470 FormatDateFromDMY
 B7600920 ConvertNumbersAndDatesToString
 B9100001 ConvertjulianDatetojdeDate
 B9800210 Convert From and To Julian Date from JDEDATE
 B4500490 DateConversiontoJulian
 B0000200 SixDigitNumerictoDate
 B0000200 DatetoSixDigitNumeric
 B9800460 ConvertDateToString
 N1700090 CalculateBeginDateofPeriod
 N0701500 ConvertDateToStringFormatCode
 N0500043 FormatOtherPersonicDate
 N0500043 FormatPersonicDate
 N1700030 F0007CountWorkDays
 Access Date Column in Foreign Table in Oracle Database using API JDB_OpenForeignTable
 Convert Time stored in UTC format in column JSSCHSTTIME in F91320 Scheduler Table to Local Date and Time format
 Calculate Week Number of the Year based on a Given Date
 Convert Military Time in numeric format (example 1400) to Standard Time format (example 02:00 PM)

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