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E1: DD: Frequently Asked Questions on Data Dictionary (Doc ID 626537.1)

Last updated on OCTOBER 04, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools - Version 8.98 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document contains answers to some frequently asked questions on the Data Dictionary.  

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 General Questions
 Question 1: What is Data Dictionary? Is multiple set of Data Dictionary items supported (e.g: Each environment with their own Data Dictionary items) ?
 Question 2: Where can I find additional information on the Data Dictionary?
 Question 3: How are the Data Item Attributes Used?
 Question 4: Where is the Data Dictionary stored?
 Question 5: Where is the Data Dictionary Item Glossary stored?
 Question 6: What are Global Tables ?
 Question 7: What is the Process to Delete the Local Data Dictionary Specs and Global Tables on a Workstation?
 Question 8: Can Data Dictionary Applications be Run on a Web Client?
 Question 9: How Do I Deploy a Data Dictionary Item Change throughout my EnterpriseOne Environments?
 Question 10: What is the Tip of the Day feature and where can it be used?
 Question 11: How does Coexistence and the Data Dictionary work with Releases Xe and Prior?
 Question 12: How to find all the DD item which has the Display Rule *RAB? (OR) Which table and column stored the Display Rule details?
 Question 13: While checking F9210 columns ERUL, ER01, ER02, HLP1 are not populated for all data items with display rules
 Question 14: How to get the Table and Business View information to display when using Item Help?
 Question 15: What is the form control field in "Error Message - Glossary Header Revisions" P92002|W92002D accessed from Form Exit "Appl Glossary" on "Error Messages - Glossary Items" P92002|W92002B used for?
 Data Item Questions
 Question 1: What are the Types of Data Item Glossary Groups?
 Question 2: What is the Difference between File Decimals and Display Decimals?
 Question 3: What Attributes Should Not be Changed on an Existing EnterpriseOne Data Item?
 Question 4: Why does the Edit Rule only display with the values of Y, N, 1, 0?
 Question 5: How is the CENTCHG Data Dictionary Item Used in EnterpriseOne?
 Question 6: What are Packed and Zoned for Numeric Data Items on the AS/400?
 Question 7: Is there a Way to Force the Storage Type to be Zoned on the AS/400 for a Numeric Data Item with a Length Greater than Five?
 Question 8: How do I Compare the Values of Data Items in both the Data Dictionary Master Tables and Data Dictionary Spec Tables?
 Question 9: How can I find out which Data Items have been modified in Data Dictionary?
 Question 10: How is the field Item Occurrences used on a Data Dictionary item?
 Question 11: Is it possible to mask the display of data for a data item?
 Question 12: Where is a change in the Alpha Description under General Information reflected? 
 Question 13: How can I see the Data Dictionary Alias for a field on a form?
 Question 14: How do I print a list of Data Dictionary Items?
 Question 15: The Ampersand (&) sign is not showing up in the Data Dictionary description?
 Question 16: How can I locate a data dictionary item of a specific size?
 Question 17: Adding or Changing a Data Dictionary Item in P92001 results in Error 012G Attributes Different From Class.
 Question 18: A data item of Integer type is defined with size 11, why are only 5 digits allowed when it is used in an application or processing option?
 Question 19: Why do numeric data items allow more digits to be entered in the field on the Web Client than the actual size defined for the Data Dictionary item?
 Question 20: Why does a 12 character data item used in a Processing Option Template truncate the entered value to 11 characters?
 Question 21: CMDE and MTVL are set to 'Y' in the F0092 but no way to Set in P0092
 Question 22: For a numeric Grid Column, is it possible to have the negative sign appear on the left of the numbers instead of the right?
 Question 23: Why the UDC lookup is not working even though the UDC has been selected under the edit rule tab in Data Dictionary?
 Question 24: What is the impact of changing the size of JDE Standard data dictionary item?
 Question 25: Data Dictionary Alias AN8 is set up with Visual Assist (F2), but why is it not showing (available) in all applications?
 Question 26: How does system pick the correct Data Dictionary Data Source?
 Glossary Text 
 Question 1: Glossary Text cannot be edited on Web client. P92001/P92002 Find and Select a Data Item. Go to Item Glossary Tab, media object screen is not input-capable.
 Vocabulary Overrides, Jargon Code and Languages
 Question 1: How can I reset Vocabulary Overrides for a specific data item for All APPLs and UBEs?
 Question 2: How can I get to Jargon Code for a Data Item?
 Question 3: How can the Data Selection Description of a Data Dictionary Item be changed for an Alternate Language?
 Question 4: Why does the glossary text in the Preview Glossary or Preview HTML Glossary row exits not match the text in the row exit Glossary on a data item with glossary text overrides for Language, Jargon code or Form name?
 Error Message Data Dictionary Items
 Question 1: How to create Custom Error Message without Text Substitution?
 Question 2: What are the steps to get a glossary text change and/or error level change on an error data dictionary item to take effect in an application on the web client?
 Question 3: Why does Set Control Error/Set Grid Cell Error system function fail to find a data dictionary item and issue the error messages "Error Code does not exist"?
 Question 4: Why do we see Data Dictionary errors in server logs for custom DD items, when on a local client these work fine? 

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