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E1: 04: How To Set Up EDI Inbound Voucher Processing (P47040/R47041) (Doc ID 943041.1)

Last updated on OCTOBER 01, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable - Version XE and later
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne EDI - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.



The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system can process inbound vouchers that follow the EDI standard for receiving invoice-summary transactions (i.e. EDI transmission 810).

The steps to process inbound vouchers are:

  1. Add Voucher records to the EDI Invoice Inbound Worktables:
    • EDI Invoice Header Inbound (F47041)
    • EDI Invoice Detail Inbound (F47042)
    • EDI Invoice Summary Inbound (F47044) tables.
  2. Run the Inbound EDI Voucher Edit/Create (R47041) UBE to process inbound voucher information to the Voucher Transactions - Batch Upload (F0411Z1) and Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File (F0911Z1) tables.
  3. Run Batch Voucher Processor Report (R04110ZA) to create JD Edwards EnterpriseOne vouchers in the the Accounts Payable Ledger (F0411) and General Ledger (F0911).
Note: The EDI worktables can be populated using Work with Inbound EDI Invoices (P47040) or a third party solution.


This document outlines the EDI Inbound Voucher (810) processing functionality in JDEdwards EnterpriseOne.


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In this Document
 Adding an Inbound EDI Voucher Through Work with Inbound EDI Invoices (P47040)
 Transferring Inbound EDI Voucher Transactions
 Processing Options for Edit/Create Voucher (R47041)
 Processing Tab
 Default Option Tab
 Default Values Tab
 Logging Tab
 Auto Process Tab
 Purging Processed Inbound EDI Vouchers
 Frequently Asked Questions (R47041)
 Question 2:  Can the Inbound EDI Edit/Create (R47041) be used to create PM documents?
 Question 3:  How is Processing Option 3: Supplier Number in the Default Option tab of Inbound EDI Edit/Create Questions (R47041) used?
 Question 4: Using the Inbound EDI Voucher Edit/Create report (R47041), how can I upload vouchers into JDE1 with only one F0411Z1 record, but more than one F0911Z1 record?
 Question 5: When only creating standard vouchers and voucher match is not needed, does one still need to populate the Document (Order No, Invoice, etc.)(alias DOCO), Order Type (DCTO), Document Company (KCO), and Line Number (LNID) fields? Or is it enough to only populate the DOCO and KCO fields?
 Question 6: When uploading foreign currency vouchers, which columns have to be populated: Amount - Foreign Open (alias FAP) and Amount - Foreign Extended Price (alias FEA), or only the FAP?
 Question 7: If we are not using 2-way or 3-way match, can one still use the Multiple Account Distribution functionality with EDI 810 vouchers?
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