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E1: 42: Holds in Sales Orders FAQ (P4210/P42101/P43070/P42995) (Doc ID 950782.1)

Last updated on APRIL 05, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Entry - Version XE and later
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Processing - Version XE and later
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management - Version XE and later
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CRM Sales Order Entry - Version XE and later
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable - Version 9.1 to 9.1 [Release 9.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document provides answers to frequently asked questions about how Hold Codes work in Sales Orders in various situations.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Sales Order Entry / Processing
 Question 1: When a sales order has multiple hold codes, is there a sequence that the system uses when placing hold codes on the order header?
 Question 2: Is there a way to hold an invoice until the entire order has been filled?
 Question 3: Is there a way to hold an existing sales order if the user adds a detail line, changes order detail information or cancels an order detail line?
 Question 4: We have an existing order that does not have a hold code.  When the user inquires on the order via P42101 and clicks Save and Continue without changing any values and then clicks on Submit and Close a hold code warning message is received and the order is placed on an Order Hold. Why?
 Question 5: Is there a way to check to see if a sales order was previously on Hold through Customer Service Inquiry (P4210)?
 Question 6: Is there any option within the Release Held Orders (P43070) to not release a hold on a sales orders or to move them back to the previous status?
 Question 7: Is it possible to change the quantity or the status on a held order detail line?
 Question 8: Is it possible to have a sales order put on hold when Sold To is a child customer and the hold code is only applied to the parent customer in Billing Information?
 Question 9:  Is it possible to manually put only sales order detail lines on hold?
 Question 10: How does the M1 Order Margin Hold get calculated? Does the system look at OTOT order amount
 Release Held Orders
 Question 1: Is there any way to prevent the system from putting orders back on hold once they are released?
 Question 2: Can someone other than the responsible person for a particular type of hold release an order?
 Question 3: Why would a Held order not show in Release Held Order (P43070) grid?
 Question 4: Is there a way to display in P43070 released orders that were purged to F42119 Sales Order History?
 Question 5: When releasing a sales order from hold, the password is only required for the first order released for that hold code in that branch, is that correct?
 Question 6: For some held orders the values in Quantity and 2nd Item Number do not display within P43070 Inquiry screen.  Why?
 Question 7: The Release Held Orders (P43070) contains a field Requested Date (DRQJ). Both the Sales Order Detail (F4211) and Sales Order Header (F4201) have a Requested Date field.  Where does the P43070 get the value for DRQJ?
 Question 8: Can the Release Held Orders application (P43070) be configured to advance the sales order status, after release?
 Hold Code Constants
 Question 1: Can the branch/plant be left blank (to represent all branches) when setting up a hold code?
 Question 2: Can the password field be left blank?
 Question 3: How can we change the password on an existing hold code?
 Transportation / Warehousing
 Question 1: Is there any way to filter out sales orders that are on hold so that they do not get loaded in a truck within the Transportation Module?
 Question 2: Does Partial Holds work in Sales Order Entry with Warehousing turned on? 

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