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WS: 03: FAQ: Customer Master (P01053), Customer Ledger Inquiry (P032002) and Account Status Summary (P03203) (Doc ID 1525657.1)

Last updated on APRIL 15, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards World Accounts Receivable - Version A7.3 cume 4 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document explains frequently asked questions about Customer Master setup and processing.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Customer Master (P01053)
 Question 1:  What is the difference between between the currency fields on Customer Master Information (P01053)?
 Question 2:  Is there a way to set up the Customer Master record to prevent receipts application?
 Question 3:  Where do you enter the Dun and Bradstreet number for the customer?
 Question 4:  Is there a place to store customer credit card information?
 Question 5:  Where are the Hold Codes located on Release A9.x?
 Question 6:  Is there a similar setting on Customer Master as there is on Customer Billing Instructions in regards to Invoice Consolidation Flag?
 Question 7:  Is there a way to assign a responsible credit analyst to a Customer's account?
 Question 8:  Where can I set up a customer bank account for auto debiting?
 Question 9:  How does the Temp Credit Message get populated in the Customer Master?
 Question 10:  Does JDE World have functionality for One-Time Customers?
 Customer Ledger Inquiry (P032002)
 Question 1:  The credit department wants to go back and update a reason code for short paid invoices. There is a field named reason code in the F0311 and that it is used primarily for adjustments. Would there be any harm in updating a reason code in open invoices to let Credit know why the invoice was short paid or still left open. Or is there another field that would accommodate this requirement?
 Question 2:  Processing time for inquiry actions is excessive.  Are there any settings that can be modified to improve processing time?
 Question 3:  The "Formats" (F2) action does not change what is shown in the grid results, or does not cycle through to all expected formats.  Why?
 Account Status Summary (P03203)
 Question 1:  How can we prevent users from deleting messages from V012401 when accessing them from Account Status Summary?
 Question 2:  Is there customer self service functionality available on JDE World where customers can have access to their account balance?
 Question 3: Why would the Last Paid Amount and Last Paid Date be blank after being populated and how can it repopulate the fields?

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