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WS: 43: Troubleshooting Voucher Match (P4314) (Doc ID 1531063.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 07, 2023

Applies to:

JD Edwards World Procurement - Version A7.3 cume 4 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document provides solutions to common errors and known issues resulting from the Voucher Match program (P4314).

Troubleshooting Steps

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In this Document
Troubleshooting Steps
 Error Messages
 Error 0002: Record Invalid
 Error 0003: Blanks Invalid
 Error 0025: Data Dictionary Values
 Error 0027: User Defined Code Error
 Error 0065: Date is in this Yr but Prior Mth (PBCO)
 Error 0088: Amount Does Not Balance to Gross
 Error 0298: Unit of Measure Invalid for Item
 Error 0667: Record Has Already Been Voided/Deleted
 Error 0726: Business Unit Invalid
 Error 2417: Functional Server Header Level Error
 Error 2521: Inquiry By Voucher Number Required First
 Error 2411 (Call to AP Functional Server Unsuccessful) when attempting to reverse a voucher.
 Error 0411: Voucher Being Processed by Check Run
 Error 2572: Voucher Not Eligible for Deletion
 Error 3006: Purchase Order Number/ Type/Line Invalid
 Error 3208: Inactive Subledger Entered
 Error 3637: Delete/Change of Voucher with PO/Contr
 Error: 1265: No Subfile Records Found or Processed and Error 023P: Order Has Been Received
 Errors: 0180, 2367, 2263, 2375
 Error 1265 when you F18 from a P4314 Voucher Match screen that is set for 2-way match.
 Error 0037: Address Number Invalid at Voucher Match - highlight shows on the account number field after upgrade on a nonstock Purchase Order
 Error 0953: Bank Currency Code Incorrect.
 Error 2411 (Call to AP Functional Server Unsuccessful) when attempting to reverse a voucher.
 Error 3429 and 0028: Invalid DMAAI and Account Number Invalid.
 Error 0026:  Not Authorized to This Record
 Issue 1: Decimal data error at statement BX004700 is generated when you attempt to delete a posted voucher.
 Issue 3: Payment terms and discounts not calculating
 Issue 4: Tax journal entries not reversed if tax code is changed at voucher match
 Issue 5: Tax Explanation Code V changes to E at voucher match
 Issue 6: Divide by zero error when deleting a voucher
 Issue 7: Voucher in General Ledger File (F0911) but not in Accounts Payable file (F0411)
 Issue 8: Variance incorrect with Tax Rate change between Receipt and Voucher
 Issue 9: Duplicate Journal Entries (JEs) created against RNV AAI 4320
 Issue 10: Array Index Error is generated when matching more than 999 lines of a purchase order
 Issue 11: No Journal Entry if tax changed in voucher match
 Issue 12: Zero dollar purchase orders/vouchers
 Issue 13: Discount taken/lost currency incorrect
 Issue 13: P43800 runs but does not create the voucher
 Issue 14: Amount must be zero in P4314 where purchase order has zero cost
 Issue 15: Divide by zero error when deleting a voucher in P4314
 Issue 16: Two pay items on vouchers with positive and negative lines are not summarized, so due dates are incorrect
 Issue 17: Suffix field not populated in F0911 by P4314
 Issue 18: Multiple purchase orders but single pay item and journal entry
 Issue 19: Amount open to voucher incorrectly recalculated after being cleared in P4314
 Issue 20: The voucher match program will create batch header records without any detail records when a zero dollar amount is matched
 Issue 21: The Option field in the Voucher Match program is not allowing for entry
 Issue 22: Error 2548 - Invalid Quantity
 Issue 23: Incorrect Domestic Amount At Voucher Match In Foreign Currency
 Issue 24: At Voucher Match P4314, receive Error 2572 - Voucher Not Eligible for Deletion while trying to delete the voucher.

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