WS: 31: Backflush to Work Center Location Soft Commits to a Secondary Location for Lot Controlled Items and the Work Order Parts List (P3111) is Not Populating with a Lot Number
(Doc ID 2881999.1)
Last updated on DECEMBER 20, 2024
Applies to:
JD Edwards World Shop Floor Management - Version A9.4 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Issue 1:
Since upgrading to A9.4 GSU 2, we have discovered that when utilizing the Backflush to Work Center Location functionality for Lot Controlled Items, our lot items are soft committed to a newly created secondary location where the secondary location does not have a lot number.
Steps to recreate:
1. Create a new manufactured item (stocking type M / Line Type S) for branch plant M30 (P4101/P41026). This will be called a parent item.
2. Create a purchase item (stocking type P / Line Type S) for the same branch above (P4101/P41026) and assign the Lot Process Type (SRCE) = 2 - The system assigns numbers in ascending order using Next Numbers.
3. Go to Adjustments (P4114 11/G4111). Add inventory for the purchased item using branch M30 and add a secondary location of A as follows:
Ex: Quantity = 100, Location A
Press enter and the lot number is assigned using Next Numbers. Note: More than one location can be assigned if needed.
4. Create a Bill of Material (P3002 2/G3011) for the parent item in branch M30 and add the purchased item for the Quantity Per (QNTY) = 1.
5. Re-inquire on the BOM (P3002) and press F4 to open the fold. Make a note of the Operation Sequence Number (OPSQ) that is assigned.
6. Add a Routing (P3003 14/G3011) for the parent item and branch M30. The work center used is 200-201 and the Operation Sequence Number (OPSQ) must be the same as the BOM (P3002). Additionally, the Pay Pt (Pay Point Code) should equal a B - Backflush material and labor.
7. Go to Manufacturing Constants (P3009 16/G3141) and inquire on Branch M30. On the right hand side of the screen, populate the following fields:
Backflush Options = 2 - Create a parts list committing to the location indicated in the Work Center Master table (F30006).
Master Routings (Y/N) = Blank
Commitment Control = 3 - Split the parts list and commitments to fill any component shortages but do not cross branches.
Hard/Soft Commit = 1 - HARD: System performs hard commitment at creation of parts list. Or, Hard/Soft Commit = 2 - SOFT/HARD: System performs soft commitment at creation of parts list.
8. Enter/Change Work Centers (P3006 21/G3141). Inquire on the work center used in the Routing (P3003) which is 200-201 in branch M30. Located on the right side are the fields:
Location - Issue (LOCN) and add Location A. This is the same location used in Adjustments (P4114).
Location Branch (MCU) - add the same branch that was used in all of the steps above 'M30'.
9. Create a Work Order header (P48013 2/G3111) using branch M30 for the parent item. Requested Date can be today and Qty Ordered can be 10. Press enter but stay on the P48013 screen.
10. Press F21 to re-inquire on the Work Order.
11. Attach the parts list and routing either Interactively or by using Order Processing (P31410). If attaching Interactively, the Routing must be attached first (F8/F10/F10/Add).
12. Re-inquire on the Work Order (P48013) and press F6 - Parts list. Open the fold (F4) and locate the fields:
Location (LOCN)
Location should contain the secondary location identifier of A as this is the location in the Enter/Change Work Centers (P3006) and inventory was Adjusted into Location A (P4114).
Lot/SN should contain the lot number assigned when Adjustments (P4114) was transacted.
13. From Summary Availability (P41202 11/G3111), inquire on a component item number. A new separate location is created for location A with no lot number. Press F4 and locate the field 'Soft Commit SO/WO' (PCOM), which is populated when field 'Hard Commit SO+WO' (HCOM) should be populated.
Issue 2:
All setup has been achieved to use Backflush to Work Center Location by following Document 807693.1 - WS: 30/31: How To Backflush To Work Center Locations (Commit Components) however, the Lot Controlled Items in the Work Order Parts List (P3111) do not populate with a lot number. Only the location (LOCN) field is populated from Enter/Change Work Centers (P3006).
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