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WS: 08: Allow Manual Change of End Date (PTDT) for an Employee in Single Plan Entries (P08330) Without Affecting Prior Level 1 Amounts When Option Rule = 2 or 3 on Additional Plan Options (P083202) (Doc ID 2942348.1)

Last updated on APRIL 17, 2023

Applies to:

JD Edwards World Human Resources Management - Version A9.4 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This enhancement request is for those situations where users change an End date (PTDT) for an Employee on Single Plan Entries (P08330) for Past Enrollments. Currently when a manual change to the End date is done in P08330 and the user re-inquires on the Employee and takes function key exit (F16) to Employee DBA Instructions (P060181) and selects Cleared Items (Y/N) = Y, all previous years (history) Level 1 amounts have been changed to the current years amounts. This causes the prior year amounts to not show what the previous amounts were.

Bug 35157124 - Chg in End Date Via P08330 Causes all Prior Yr Amts to Change to Current Yr Amt, was entered to address the issue, and it was determined to not be a Bug since the functionality of P08330 is working as designed.  Option Rules 2 and 3 have an override amount variable in P08330 which overrides the prior amounts for the DBAs on the plan. Option Rule 1 does not override these amounts. They would need to set up Option Rule 1 if they do not want to have the system override the previous amounts.

Verify Setup and Employee Information for the following:

  1. From menu G08B1, option 7 - Plan Master Information (P08320) verify the Plan set up as follows.
  2. From Plan Master Information take function exit F6 for Additional Plan Options - (P083202).  Verify the there is a DBA for each of the Plan Options and the Option Rule = 3 on each plan.
  3. Go to HR Employee Entry (P0801) on menu G08E1, option 2 and inquire on the Employee. Verify the Benefit Group is populated.
  4. Verify the Employee has prior plan terminations and has a current active plan. To review go to Single Plan Entries (P08330) on menu G08B1, option 3. Set the Past Enroll Y/N = Y in the upper right corner, Status should be * and note the dates.
  5. Review the Employee DBA Instructions (P060181), taking function exit F16 from Single Plan Entries. Set the Cleared Items (Y/N) = Y. Note the Level 1 Amounts for the prior Stop Dates.

Steps to duplicate the issue:

  1. From Single Plan Entries change one of the previous End dates for this Employee.
  2. Review the Employee in Single Plan Entries, F16 - Employee DBA Instructions and set the Cleared Items (Y/N) = Y.
  3. Note the Amounts for Level 1 have changed to be the current amount on all previous lines.


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