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WS: 42: 43: Transfer Order (OT Receipt) No Lot Status Hold & Wrong Lot Effectivity Date - P4242/P4312 (Doc ID 2972841.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 12, 2023

Applies to:

JD Edwards World Sales Order Management - Version A9.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When a lot is created, it has a lot effectivity date (MMEJ) assigned as the date it came into the system (ie. 7.1.2023). When creating and processing a transfer order for BP 10 to BP 30, when the lot is received for the OT, it changes the lot effectivity date to the date specified or the system date. It does not maintain the lot effectivity date from BP 10. When the date is updated, it skews this effectivity information and how the item is sold. Additionally, the lot received into BP 30 does not have a Hold Status code added. BP 30, primary location for the item had lot status = S on it as does BP primary blank location.

Steps to Duplicate:
1. Set up a new item and lot in BP 10 called MLOT400 / MLOT400 for a Blank primary location. Set up the expiry date as 90 days out in Lot Dates.
2. Put the primary location on a lot status hold = H in Item Location set up.
3. Adjust qty of 10 in BP 10 for MLOT400 / MLT400 for July 1, 2023 so the lot effective date will be 7/1/2023.
(Nothing exists in other BP 30 at this time.)
4. Enter a Transfer Order (P4242) for qty 10 and receive error that the item/location is not set up in BP 30.
5. Press enter and accept/save the ST/OT order.
6. Once the ST is saved, the blank primary location is created and the lot is not populated. This is important. Also, the blank primary is on hold. Check this in Item Location Set up from the Item B/P (F11).
7. Run Pick Slip Print (R42520) to hard commit the quantity item/location/lot.
8. Inquire on the Transfer Order and note the lot is populated in the Purchasing side when reviewing the ST/ OT (P4242) in PO Entry (P4310).
9. Check the Item location and no secondary location/lot exists yet.
10. You can change the quantity on the ST or not for testing and save the ST/OT.
11. Inquire on the Item Location and now the blank secondary location with MLOT400 is written in BP 30. (((( Check this STEP ))))
12. Receive the PO in PO Receipts (P4312) with the system default date or manual date override (ie. 8/31/2023).
13. Inquire on the item Summary Availability in BP 10 and it is now removed but the history of the item shows the lot effectivity date as 7/1/23 and primary location on lot status hold = H.
14. Inquire on the item in Summary Availability BP 30 and note the lot effectivity date = is 8/31/23 and the lot status hold is not populated.


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