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WS: 51: FAQ: Job Cost (Doc ID 633628.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 08, 2023

Applies to:

JD Edwards World Project Costing (Job Cost) - Version A7.3 cume 4 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


To answer frequently asked questions regarding Job Cost.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Question 1:  How can you prevent a change to the object/cost type record in the Original Budget Entry (P510121) when records exist in the F0902?
 Question 2:  How you can create Job Cost budgets on a quarterly basis?
 Question 3:  How are the HA/HU ledger types created?
 Question 4:  Why do I get a joblog and dump with a Duplicate Record key in member F0902LJ when I try to adjust a budget using Job Cost Revisions (P510171)?  
 Question 5:  We are unable to see the adjustment/input lines on the Quantities in Place (P510171) for the HA/HU Ledger, which is the primary ledger type?
 Question 6:  Can the Job Status report (P512006) be run at the project, rather than the individual job level?
 Question 7:  In the Job Cost Analysis report (P51412), there is a column named Amount Remaining to complete the job, how is this calculated?
 Question 8:  Will a change to the projected final amount in a prior period effect the projected final amount in the current period?
 Question 9:  Is there a Job Cost report that will print the Revised Budget amounts by Cost Code for all jobs?
 Question 10:  Use ETO and Job Cost. currently a Job consists of multiple units of manufactured hardware. Also use contract billing for milestone billing. The milestones are not related to any individual units. For various reasons, we are considering a setup where each unit is it's own job and then we use the project number to group them together. The question is are we able to enter the contract billing at the project number level and have earned revenue computed at that level as opposed to the individual units, which again are individual jobs?
 Question 11: How do we change values when using the P510921?  Need to add D in MC Field. Also need to remove bill item, area code and location code.
 Question 12: Where can we find information about the F5102 file introduced in JD Edwards World release A9.4.0.1 (A9.4 with Group Software Update #1) and above?

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