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Oracle SOA Suite - Tips for My Oracle Support (MOS) (Doc ID 1082680.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 06, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle SOA Suite - Version and later
Oracle(R) BPEL Process Manager 10g - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Abstract: Here are some tips to help make MOS easier to use for Oracle SOA Suite  customers and business partners.


Creating Service Requests (SRs) for Oracle BPEL Process Manager or Oracle SOA Suite*

When creating an SR, the information that is entered into the Problem Summary along with the product that is selected, is used to search for knowledge documents and community threads that may relate to the issue.

Selecting the correct product is important for getting the SR to the right person in a timely manner. 

On the next page, when typing in a product, any portion of the product name may be typed in, and a list of matching values will be displayed.

If a product is not displayed, click on the Product Selection arrow and select "-Click here to Show all Products--". This is a toggle, and the next time an SR is created; all products will automatically be displayed.

If you're logging a Service Request for the SOA Suite product and do not see "Oracle SOA Platform" in your available list of products, this may be an issue related to licensing. To workaround the issue, use the product "Oracle BPEL Process Manager" to ensure that the issue is routed to the SOA Support Team. Make note of the correct product when clarifying the issue to support and notify the support analyst that you were not able to use the product Oracle SOA Platform when logging the Service Request.

If you're continually entering SRs for the same product/version/platform after entering the information, type in a name in the text/drowdown box for "Save as SR Profile Name".

The next time an SR is entered; this Profile will be available on the General tab under the AutoFill – Product Information area. Selecting a profile will fill in the Product, Version, Platform and Platform Version.

You will still need to select your tools version along with a Category and SubCategory on the Product and Problem tab, but using Profiles can help save keystrokes. You can edit the profile at any time by simply selecting the profile name from the dropdown box in "Save as SR Profile Name" after you've made the needed changes.

*Support recommends that you use the flash enable My Oracle Support site when logging SRs for Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle BPEL Process Manager.

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Note: One of the most beneficial tools is when users start using PowerViews to narrow the information that is provided down to the product(s) that apply directly to your individual needs.

The PowerView functionality allows users to only see targeted information and hide information that does not apply. A PowerView can be created and saved for a single product, multiple products or an entire product line.

To create a PowerView for a single product, simply click on the PowerView icon and select new. Select Product from the first list of values. Then start typing any portion of the product that you would like to select a list of matching values will be displayed. Highlight the correct value and it will be used for the PowerView. Click OK or Apply to use this PowerView just one time, or click Save and name the PowerView to use it over and over again.

To create a PowerView for multiple products, you can use a comma after selecting the first product and then use the same method above to continue selecting other products. You can also click on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the input field. This will produce a tree format in which you can drill down and check the products that are of interest. Oracle BPEL Process Manager is found under Middleware->Service Oriented Architecture->SOA Suite/Platform->Oracle® BPEL Process Manager and under Middleware->Service Oriented Architecture->SOA Suite/Platform->Oracle SOA Platform.

When a PowerView is active, the icon at the top of the screen will show PowerView is ON. To find out filter criteria being used, just hover over the text to the right of the PowerView button as shown below.

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In MOS the browsing functionality has been enhanced. Users can now browse down to any level of the product and then use the search functionality to search for knowledge documents just within that area.

Once an area is selected, the documents within that area are displayed in the results list, along with an additional search bar at the top of the results list. Entering in keywords into that search bar will execute a search just over the knowledge documents in the area that was selected from the browse tree.
Note: When using PowerViews the browse tree will only include areas for the products included in the PowerView, making the browse tree much more streamlined. For example:

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Recommended Links

When browsing, users may see up to three documents at the top of the results list in a light blue area. These are Support Recommended documents that GSC believes are important for users when viewing documents in that product area. When a Support Recommended link is displayed, please take a look at the document, because it is very important information.

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When using the search bar in the upper right hand corner the default is always a search over knowledge. If you want to use a keyword search over just Bugs, simply click the page icon shown below and select the Bug Database option:

In order to search over both knowledge and bugs at the same time, click Advanced.

Clicking on the Source the interface allows the user to check multiple sources to search over. The related product will automatically be filled in with the information from the PowerView limiting the search results to only the product(s) listed. Users can override those products manually, by simply typing in the product that is of interest.

If the source is limited to only Bug Database additional refinement fields become available. Status Code allows searches to be done over bugs at a specific status (ie: 01 – Complete).

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Refining Search Results

Once the results are returned there are refinement options available. On the left hand side the refinement options presented depend on the source(s) being used in the search. When searching over knowledge, the refinements include Sources, Product Category, Task/Intent, and Document Type. The document type "Learn More" include How To and Bulletin (these are documents that were previously called Technical Brief), document types, the "Reference" includes Reference (changes to documentation), document types, and "Trouble Shooting" includes Problem document types.

Once a search has been executed, a second search bar appears above the search results. This can be used to change or refine the results list even further. Any additional search terms added in this search window will execute another search.

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Some documents will have tags associated with the document. If a search term is used that is also a tag, that document will show higher in the results list. Clicking on a tag will add the word(s) to the search criteria and re-execute the search.

Note: Not all documents currently have tags, but more are getting tagged daily.

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Additional Tips for Searching

  • When searching over bugs, try searches that do not narrow down the results by release. Sometimes an issue is reported and fixed in one release, but may not have been reported for the specific release being used.
  • If you know the bug or the document ID number, just type it in the search on the upper right hand side. Note: JD Edwards and Oracle bug numbers are sometimes the same, so when the results list is returned more than one document may be returned.
  • If you would like to see a document in a new window or tab, simply right click the hyperlink and the option to open the document in a new window or tab will be displayed.

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Feedback is greatly appreciated and will help to make the knowledge base better. While viewing documents if you run across anything that we should be aware of please use the Rate this document link at the bottom of the document to provide any and all feedback.

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Any document can be added to the list of favorites by simply clicking on the icon. When adding favorites for different documents the favorites are grouped in folders according to document type. Best practice would be when a bug is entered for your company a favorite can be created, so it can easily be referenced in the future.

In order to remove a document from the favorites list, simply select Manage Favorites, highlight the item(s) to be removed and click the Remove Selected button.

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In this Document
 Creating Service Requests (SRs) for Oracle BPEL Process Manager or Oracle SOA Suite*
 Recommended Links
 Refining Search Results
 Additional Tips for Searching

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