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WebLogic Server 10.3.4 - JMS Topic Disappears When App Is Deployed In Cluster After App Restart resulting in BEA-010061: MessageDrivenEJB is unable to connect to the JMS destination (Doc ID 1396790.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 19, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle WebLogic Server - Version 10.3.4 to
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Application is packaged with a JMS module. When the application is deployed its JMS module is deployed as well and the JMS resources are available in the JNDI tree. The application's state is 'active' and is accessible. But whenever the application is stopped using the console option the app's JMS module is moved to PREPARED State and its resources (such as UDQ or UDT etc) are unbound from the JNDI tree. On application start the JMS module becomes ACTIVE but the module resources fail to bind. Hence the JNDI is missing the entries and the find call is failing.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a Weblogic 10.3.4 domain with 2 Managed Servers in a Cluster.
  2. Create 2 JMS Servers and target them to each managed server.
  3. Deploy the "enterprise" application which would create a"JobSchedulerTopic" (Uniform Distributed Topic) and a "JMSSubdeployment"targeted to both JMS Servers.
  4. Stop the application and start it again.
  5. Application goes to Warning state and in the View JNDI Tree the "JobSchedulerTopic" disappears.
  6. The managed servers have to be restarted to bring back the application to ACTIVE state.

The following error can be seen in the logs:


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