ODSEE / ISW - Identity Synchronization for Windows Can Fail if the Message Queue Component is Reporting "javax.naming.CommunicationException" Messages.
(Doc ID 1474141.1)
Last updated on NOVEMBER 29, 2022
Applies to:
Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition - Version 6.3 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
On : ISW 6.0 version, Administration
ISW / MQ keeps degrading to a state where the MQ begins to fail handling message transactions between ISW components (core, connector, etc) and the DS. This ultimately results in the message queue becoming unresponsive to requests. The following errors are seen in /var/adm/messages:
Jun 8 14:58:18 <HOSTNAME> imqbrokerd_isw-broker[9826]: [ID .... daemon.error] ERROR javax.naming.CommunicationException:<HOST>.<DOMAIN>.com:<PORT>:
Jun 8 14:58:18 <HOSTNAME> com.sun.messaging.jmq.auth.LoginException: javax.naming.CommunicationException:<HOST>.<DOMAIN>.com:<PORT>
The exception is reported and we see both ISW and the MQ reporting exceptions, with MQ aborting the ISW connection. The connector also reports a loss of connectivity to MQ (different time, not same event) within the ISW logs:
[08/Jun/2012:00:00:21.778 +0200] WARNING 10 CNN101 <HOSTNAME> "Could not establish a connection to the message queue because '[C4090]: Invalid port number. Broker is not available or may be paused: [<HOST>.<DOMAIN>.com,-1]'. Will continue to retry."
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Start IMQ and ISW and the DS, allow to run under production workload for a period
2. Eventually services will fail and connectors will go from syncing to ready
3. restart of services is required to restore functionality, at this time the environment is scheduled for proactive restarts on a periodic basis.
The issue can be mitigated through a restart of services; it is however masking underlying issues with the ISW/MQ components. MQ could be overloaded by error conditions being hit within ISW, or there could be a problem within MQ, triggering a flood of error messages from ISW (they inter-operate so closely the one can trigger impact in the other very quickly if it becomes responsive for an extended period of time). Due to this issue, the threat of an un-controlled outage is possible. As it is visible now, the problem should be addressed before this happens.
No changes have taken place, but ISW will degrade to a non working state over time, forcing a restart of all components to avoid the issue.
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