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Is Writing Tuxedo TLOG To An Oracle Database available for Tuxedo 12cR1 on HP-UX ? (Doc ID 1624746.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 08, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Tuxedo - Version 6.4 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


In the Tuxedo 12cR1 documentation can be read the following description :

"Writing TLOG to an Oracle Database

If you want to write tlog into an Oracle database, you do not need to create a UDL.
You must do the following steps:

  Install Oracle database 10g client (or later), create link for (for example, and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for link on Linux platform.
  Set UBBCONFIG(5) TLOGDEVICE or DMCONFIG(5) DMTLOGDEV using the following format: "DB:Oracle_XA: ….".
  Create tlog using the tmadmin and dmadmin commands.

Note: You can only write tlog to an Oracle database. Third party databases are not supported."


There is no explicit restriction written out. However, there is one restriction.


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