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WCC - Multiselect List Option Values with DCL are Not Appearing when a Document is Updated (Doc ID 1902818.1)

Last updated on APRIL 10, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle WebCenter Content - Version to [Release 11g]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When the document is updated, multiselect option list values are not listed on the update form. The metadata field is part of a Dynamic Choice List (DCL), the options available are dependent on another metadata field. There are red X's for each value but there is nothing listed. The Option List values have to be re-added for any document updates. If the user clicks on 'Reset' the values are added back to the update form. This issue started happening after applying MLR 15 OPatch.

Here is how to reproduce:

Customer has a two level DCL.
The parent metadata field is the DocType.
The child metadata field is the TestMulti.

The child metadata field is a Multiselect List.

When a user goes to update a document the Multiselect List does not show the values with the red X. The values selected are blank. If the user clicks on 'Reset' the values show up.

Test system with MLR 17.

The default value is set to 'All' when the document is updated the option
from the list 'All' is not selected.

1. Create a metadata field: TestMulti

2. Create a table: TestMultiTable
Description: TestMultiTable
Add Column: Value, varchar, 100, PK
Add Column: DocumentType, varchar, 100
Add Recommended > OK

3. Create a View: TestMultiView
Select the table TestMultiTable > Next >
Select: value and DocumentType > Finish
 Name: TestMultiView
 Description: TestMultiView
  Internal Column: value
  Visible Column: value

4. Create Relation: Value_to_DocumentType
Click Add...
  Relationship Name: Value_to_DocumentType
  Parent info: dDocTypes/dDocTypes
  Child info: TestMultiTable/DocumentType

5. Go to the Information Field TestMulti > Edit
Set the Default Value: All
Check the Option List Box > Configure
Check the Option list Type: Multiselect List
Check the Use View: TestMultiView
Edit Values
value: All DocumentType: Document
value: One DocumentType: Application
value: Two DocumentType: Binary
value: Three DocumentType: System
Click Update Database Design

6. Go to a new browser and check in a document
Choose the Document Type: Document
The testmulti value is set to All

Go to Content Actions > Update

The Testmulti value does not have 'All' with the red x.
Click on Reset and the 'All' value with the red x shows up.


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