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Creating Static Group in OID 11g Fails: LDAP: error code 53 or LDAP: error code 19 - Of the two objectclasses, one with member and another with uniquemember attribute, an entry can have only one of them but not both (Doc ID 1993585.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 30, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Internet Directory - Version 11.1.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Attempting to create static group in OID 11g using the following ldif:

dn: cn=<GROUPNAME>,cn=groups,dc=<COMPANY>,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: orclGroup
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectclass: groupOfNames
description: <GROUP_DESCRIPTION>                                      
displayname: <GROUP_DISPLAYNAME>

Bulkload and ldapadd results in error:

LDAP: error code 53 - Of the two objectclasses, one with member and another with uniquemember attribute, an entry can have only one of them but not both.

Modifying an existing entry by adding both groupofuniquenames and groupofnames results in:

LDAP: error code 19 - Of the two objectclasses, one with member and another with uniquemember attribute, an entry can have only one of them but not both.



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