'Server NOT capable of processing Expect: 100-continue' After Upgrade Of OEG To OAG
(Doc ID 2043890.1)
Last updated on MAY 01, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle API Gateway - Version to [Release 11gR1]Information in this document applies to any platform.
On : 11.1.2 version, Oracle API Gateway
After OAG upgrade, some intermittent errors are reported:
DATA POST /Anything HTTP/1.1 <=======================
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=3Dutf-8
SOAPAction: ""
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
User-Agent: Java1.6.0_31
Host: <HOST>:8080
Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, */*; q=3D.2
Connection: Keep-Alive
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 new server transaction 0x42f425f0
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 add header Date:Wed, 29 Jul 2015 15:09:46
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 Ignoring advertised HTTP 1.1 support by peer xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx:50816, using HTTP 1.0 instead.
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 add header Content-Type:text/xml; charset=3Dutf-8
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 add header SOAPAction:""
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 add header User-Agent:Java1.6.0_31
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 add header Host:hostname.local:8080
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 add header Accept:text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, */*; q=3D.2
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 add header Connection:Keep-Alive
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 Incoming HTTP request: method=3DPOST, host=3D(unset), port=3D(unset), path=3D/Anything, query=3D(unset), version=3D1.0
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 using handler at /Anything
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 Adding MessageListener: com.vordel.circuit.FilterPathTracker@483351c1
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 Adding MessageListener: com.vordel.reporting.rtm.RealtimeMonitoring$1$1@6562ee77
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.463 handle type text/xml with factory class com.vordel.mime.XMLBody$Factory
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.464 Adding MessageListener: com.vordel.dwe.TrafficMonitorMessageListener@42748e70
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.464 Circuit reference [Global Request Policy] empty - ignoring
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.464 Circuit reference [Custom Request Policy] empty - ignoring
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.464 Circuit reference [Path Specific Policy] valid and enabled - calling
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.464 run circuit "Anything"...
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.464 run filter [Copy of'XML Signature Generation'{1}] {
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.464 parsing (options value 2052) XML body from input stream of type com.vordel.dwe.InputStream. ContentSource is of type HTTP server transaction
DATA 0757
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.465 Layout:Lax:insertToken: Prepend element [BinarySecurityToken]
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.465 TemplateFactory.createSignatureTemplate: Use reference <ID> for [env:Body]
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.465 TemplateFactory: Ids =3D>
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.465 Id=3D[<ID>] node=3D[Body] id attribute=3D[wsu:Id] id attribute ns=3D[http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd]
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.465 Layout:Lax:insertToken: Prepend element [Signature]
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.466 Layout: Element [Signature] refers to [BinarySecurityToken]
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.466 Layout:Lax:insertToken: Insert element [Signature] before [Timestamp]
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.478 ...
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.482 GenerateSignatureProcessor.invoke: Signed message sucessfully
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 } =3D 1, filter [Copy of'XML Signature Generation'{1}]
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 Filter [Copy of'XML Signature Generation'{1}] completes in 19 milliseconds.
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 run filter [Reflect message] {
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 } =3D 1, filter [Reflect message]
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 Filter [Reflect message] completes in 0 milliseconds.
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 run filter [filterName] {
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 get connection to host hostname port 443 scheme https
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 recycle connection 0x2aaab6911770 from set 0x2aaab6be69b0
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 delete client connection cache 0x2aaab6be69b0 to hostname:443
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 new client transaction 0x2aaac10efbc0
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 add header Host:hostname:443
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 add header Via:1.0 hostname.local ()
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 server NOT capable of processing Expect: 100-continue <=================================
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 add header Accept:text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, */*; q=3D.2
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 add header SOAPAction:""
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 add header User-Agent:Java1.6.0_31
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.483 new byte counter
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.484 optimise write for vordelDoc com.vordel.jaxprovider.libxml.DocumentImpl@1d0ba325
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.484 ... to non-vordel output stream
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.484 start direct request to POST "https://hostname/api/context/something?wsdl"
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.484 send prologue: content length 6480
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.484 add header Content-Length:6480
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.484 reused connection 0x2aaab6911770 2 times
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.484 connection keepalive? 1
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.484 add header Connection:keep-alive
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.484 add header X-CorrelationID:<ID> 1
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.484 optimise write for vordelDoc com.vordel.jaxprovider.libxml.DocumentImpl@1d0ba325
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.484 ... to vordel output stream
DATA POST /api/context/something?wsdl HTTP/1.1
Host: hostname:443
Via: 1.0 hostname.local ()
Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, */*; q=3D.2
SOAPAction: ""
User-Agent: Java1.6.0_31
Content-Length: 6480
Connection: keep-alive
X-CorrelationID: <ID> 1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=3Dutf-8
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.484 [SSL alert read 0x100, 0x3]: close notify [warning].
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.484 [SSL alert write 0x100, 0x3]: close notify [warning].
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.485 Adding MessageListener: com.vordel.circuit.net.ConnectionProcessor$1@6703e108
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.485 connection processor made 1 attempts to transact
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.485 } =3D 2, filter [filtername]
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.485 Filter [filtername] completes in 2 milliseconds.
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.485 ..."filetername" complete.
ERROR 7/29/15, 11:09:46.485 Filter that caused failure: filtername
ERROR 7/29/15, 11:09:46.485 Policy 'policyname' {
ERROR 7/29/15, 11:09:46.485 Filter 'Copy of'XML Signature Generation'{1}' Status: PASSED
ERROR 7/29/15, 11:09:46.485 Filter 'Reflect message' Status: PASSED
ERROR 7/29/15, 11:09:46.485 Filter 'filetername' Status: ABORTED
ERROR 7/29/15, 11:09:46.485 }
ERROR 7/29/15, 11:09:46.486 nested fault: connection: xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx:443: disconnected.
read failed: java.lang.RuntimeException: connection: xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx:443: disconnected. read failed
at com.vordel.dwe.http.ClientTransaction.readResponse(Native Method)
at com.vordel.circuit.net.ConnectionProcessor$State.readResponse(ConnectionProcessor.java:436)
at com.vordel.circuit.net.ConnectionProcessor$State.tryTransaction(ConnectionProcessor.java:658)
at com.vordel.circuit.net.ConnectionProcessor.invoke(ConnectionProcessor.java:792)
at com.vordel.circuit.net.ConnectToURLProcessor.invoke(ConnectToURLProcessor.java:73)
at com.vordel.circuit.InvocationEngine.invokeFilter(InvocationEngine.java:150)
at com.vordel.circuit.InvocationEngine.invokeCircuit(InvocationEngine.java:42)
at com.vordel.circuit.InvocationEngine.recordCircuitInvocation(InvocationEngine.java:275)
at com.vordel.circuit.InvocationEngine.processMessage(InvocationEngine.java:238)
at com.vordel.circuit.SyntheticCircuitChainProcessor.invoke(SyntheticCircuitChainProcessor.java:64)
at com.vordel.dwe.http.HTTPPlugin.processRequest(HTTPPlugin.java:371)
at com.vordel.dwe.http.HTTPPlugin.invokeDispose(HTTPPlugin.java:379)
at com.vordel.dwe.http.HTTPPlugin.invoke(HTTPPlugin.java:173)
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.486 run filter [com.vordel.circuit.faulthandlers.GenericFaultProcessor@2a2bb914] {
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.486 generating XML error as current body is XML
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.486 XML Body contains a SOAP message. Generating a SOAP fault.
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.493 Creating a soap 1.1 fault.
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.493 using fault creator: class com.vordel.circuit.soap.SOAP11FaultDocumentCreator
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.494 } =3D 1, filter [com.vordel.circuit.faulthandlers.GenericFaultProcessor@2a2bb914]
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.494 Filter [com.vordel.circuit.faulthandlers.GenericFaultProcessor@2a2bb914] completes in 8 milliseconds.
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.494 add header Server:
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.494 response code: 500
DEBUG 7/29/15, 11:09:46.494 send prologue: content length -1
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In this Document
Symptoms |
Changes |
Cause |
Solution |
References |