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Users Cannot See The History Table For A Task That Has Been Already Completed By Them. (Doc ID 2077109.1)

Last updated on MAY 15, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle SOA Suite - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


In worklistapp console, when a serial approval follows a parallel approval, the first user in the serial approval flow gets a "Permission denied" message when attempting to see the task history of a task he just approved. This only happens to first user in the serial flow.  All other users involved in the approval can successfully see the history of the tasks they approved.


Steps to reproduce

 1) In weblogic console create the following users: parallel_1, parallel_2, serial_1, serial_2
 2) Create a new composite that contain a BPEL and a Human Task activity
 3) Double-click Human Task activity, select "Assignment" tab, click the green "+" and select "Sequential Participant Block"
 4) Double-click first participant, in the "Type" box select "Parallel", in "Participant Names" list add "parallel_1, parallel_2"
 5) Double-click second participant, in the "Type" box select "Serial", in "Participant Names" list add "serial_1, serial_2"
 6) In the "Access" tab make sure all groups have "Read" access on "History"
 7) Select "Create Form" --> "Launch Task Form Wizard" --> Choose a name for your form, then "Next" until the end of wizard. It should be a "History" check at step 5 of 6 (Footer), that by default is checked.
 8) Deploy the project with the generated task form
 9) In EM console select the project --> Test --> Insert any value --> click "Test Web Service"
10) Login to worklistapp console (host:port/integration/worklistapp) with each user and approve the task:

      a) parallel_1
      b) parallel_2
      c) serial_1

11) after approved the task with user serial_1, in the "Assignee" box select "Me(Previously)" and in "Status" box select "Any"
12) select the task you just approved and expand "History"; You should see "Permission denied. The logged in user does not have permission to view task history." message
13) optional: log with "parallel_1" or "parallel_2" users and try to view history of the same task; History should be displayed properly.


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