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Detecting Discrepancies or Custom Elements Objectclasses and Attributes in One OID 11g Schema and Adding it to Another OID Accordingly (Doc ID 2087021.1)

Last updated on OCTOBER 05, 2019

Applies to:

Oracle Internet Directory - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Trying the deployment in OID where there is a need for the functionality to detect whether attribute types already exists in the system. If it exists then it must skip to the next attribute, if it doesn't exist then the attribute will be added to subschemasubentry of OID.
Have tried running executing ldapadd on a script which have all the attributes required to be added into the system, however if the attribute already exists then the ldapadd execution will be halted even though there are more new entries that might been appended to the ldif scripts.

Is there any solution by which it is possible to detect discrepancies between a list of attribute types and objectclasses in an ldif file and then add the non existing ones accordingly while skipping those that exists from source OID to destination OID.?


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