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Internal Error or Blank Page When Adding a "Link to URL" to an Image Field in a Static List Displayed Using Content Presenter (Doc ID 2087830.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 10, 2022

Applies to:

Oracle WebCenter Portal - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When adding a "Link to URL" on an image from a static list data file using Content Presenter and custom Content Presenter Display Template,
the following error occurs.


Internal Error


Blank page.


The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Create a region definition based on a static list of images.
  2. Create a data file based on the region definition.

  3. Create a content presenter display template to show the data file.

  4. Add the data file to a page in a portal using content presenter and set to use the custom display template.

  5. Enter content presenter contribution mode and add a new row to the static list.

  6. Edit the row for the static list and add an image.

  7. Add a Link to the Image using the toolbar.

    • Choose "Link to the following URL".
    • Copy and Paste into the URL box a link to a location within WebCenter Content.
      For example, a direct link to the Web Location of an item.

  8. Update Row and Close.

  9. Save and Close.
    At this time you should get Internal Error or blank page.





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