Installing FMW/OHS 12.2.1 Results in Error for Correct Version of MS VISUAL C++
(Doc ID 2092725.1)
Last updated on NOVEMBER 15, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle HTTP Server - Version and later Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)
This issue is different between 12.2.1.x. The nature of the problem may be confusing as it progressed, so this document explains all cases.
Installer Warning on
The following error is given during prerequisite condition checks when installing Oracle HTTP Server 12c ( on Windows 2012 (64bit):
----------------- Checking MS Visual C++ is installed in the Machine ---- Problem: Supported MS Visual C++ version is not avilable in this machine Recommendation: Install Expected MS Visual VC++ Version -----------------
Installer Warning on
----------------- Checking MS Visual C++ is installed in the Machine Expected result: 11.0 Actual Result: 10.0 Problem: Supported MS Visual C++ version is not available in this machine Recommendation: Install Expected MS Visual C++ Version -----------------
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