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OMSM: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges running RCU to create schema (Doc ID 2095050.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 16, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Access Manager - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Insufficient privileges error when running RCU during upgrade of OAM from to

In the rcu log, logdir.2015-12-15_11-02\rcu.logdi

2015-12-15 11:18:16.319 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : OMSM
2015-12-15 11:18:16.322 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: <RCU_LOCATION>/integration//omsm/omsm.xml is valid

2015-12-16 09:34:38.870 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.ui.InteractiveRCUModel::showCompletionMessage: Repository Creation Utility: Create - Completion Summary
Database details:
Host Name : <DB_HOST>
Port : <DB_PORT>
Service Name : <DB_SID>
Connected As : <DB_USER>
Prefix for (prefixable) Schema Owners : <PREFIX>
RCU Logfile : <RCU_LOCATION>/log/logdir.2015-12-16_09-31/rcu.log
Component schemas created:
Component Status Logfile
Oracle Mobile Security Manager Success <RCU_LOCATION>/log/logdir.2015-12-16_09-31/omsm.log


2015-12-16 09:34:33.230 rcu:Extracting Statement from File Name: '<RCU_LOCATION>/integration//omsm/sql/omsm.sql'Line Number: 32
2015-12-16 09:34:33.231 rcu:Extracted SQL Statement: [CREATE USER &&1 identified by "&&2" default tablespace &&3 temporary tablespace &&4]
2015-12-16 09:34:33.231 rcu:Statement Type: 'DDL Statement'
JDBC SQLException - ErrorCode: 1920SQLState:42000 Message: ORA-01920: user name '<PREFIX>_OMSM' conflicts with another user or role name

JDBC SQLException handled by error handler

2015-09-23 13:46:01.183 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.action.JDBCAction::perform: current user=<DB_USER> Connected As : <DB_USER>

JDBC SQLException - ErrorCode: 1920SQLState:42000 Message: ORA-01920: user name '<PREFIX>_OMSM' conflicts with another user or role name

Caused By: oracle.adf.share.ADFShareException: oracle.mds.exception.MDSRuntimeException: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "<PREFIX>_MDS.MDS_INTERNAL_COMMON", line 226
ORA-06512: at "<PREFIX>_MDS.MDS_INTERNAL_COMMON", line 1710

What could cause this error? How can I work around it?


 DBA user had SYSDBA privileges but data dictionary views caused insufficient privilege error


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