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Attempting to Schedule Load Plans or Scenarios Fails with Error "ODI-10084 : You are not authorized to edit the Object" when Using Non-generic Operator Privileges and "Load Plan and Scenarios Folder" Is "Open, View, Execute" (Doc ID 2221554.1)

Last updated on MAY 23, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Data Integrator - Version and later
Oracle Data Integrator Cloud Service - Version 17.1.3 and later
Oracle Data Integrator on Marketplace - Version 1.0.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Using Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) non-generic operator privileges. A user is unable to schedule the load plan or scenario, even though he / she has "Open, View, Execute" privileges.

The issue can be reproduced using the following steps:

1 - Login to ODI Studio as Supervisor
1.1 - In "Security" duplicate the "Operator" profile, naming it "NG Operator - test"
1.2 - Modify the following privileges in the "NG Operator - test" profile:
a. Load Plan and Scenarios Folder
Edit each method and uncheck 'Generic Privilege' for all
(Delete, Duplicate, Edit, New, View)
b. Scenario
Edit each method and uncheck 'Generic Privilege' for all
(Decrypt, Delete, Duplicate, Encrypt, Execute, Export, Import Release...,
Import Scenario..., Open, Regenerate...)

2 - Create a new test user "test"
2.1 - Assign "connect" profile to user
2.1 - Assign NG operator profile "NG Operator - test"
2.2 - As Supervisor, create "New Load Plan and Scenario Folder"s in Designer
2.3 - Generate one or more Scenarios and put into the newly created folder
2.4 - Grant the "test" user "View" rights to these folders, and "View" and "Execute" to Scenarios of these instances, by click and drag the folders from "Designer" to the test user in "Security"

3 - Login to ODI Studio as "test" user
3.1- Attempt to create a schedule

Observe the error above.




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