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Managing Content Profiles and Rules with exclude non rule fields (Doc ID 2234555.1)

Last updated on JULY 29, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle WebCenter Content - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


How to create Profiles and Rules with exclude non-rule fields

1. Login as administrator in WCC
2. Administration > Admin Applets > Configuration Manager
3. Create metadata:
3a. MetadataText1
3b. MetadataText2
4. Re-index (fast rebuild)
5. Create custom rule:
5a. enable rule for ( (dpAction like "CheckinSel" or dpAction like "CheckinNew" or dpAction like "Info" or dpAction like "Update" or dpAction like "Search"))
5b. assign fields: dDocName, dDocType, dDocTitle, dRevLabel, dSecurityGroup, dDocAccount, fParentGUID, dDocAuthor, xComments, xTags, xMetadataText1, xMetadataText2
6. Create a new content type
7. Check that profile trigger is over dDocType field
8. Create a new profile, trigger on the new content type
9. Exclude non-rule fields: true
10. assign custom rule created at #5


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