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The Enterprise Installer for JRE 7 Will Not Overwrite an Existing JRE or JDK at INSTALLDIR (Doc ID 2274913.1)

Last updated on MARCH 31, 2023

Applies to:

Java SE JDK and JRE - Version 7 and later
Microsoft Windows (32-bit)
Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)


Installing Java SE with the Enterprise Installer for JRE 7 fails with an obscure error if a version of Java SE already exists at the INSTALLDIR location.  The error is:

The problem can be reproduced with the following steps:

  1. Download the JRE 7 (any update) Enterprise Installer
  2. Make sure there is a JRE/JDK already installed at the default install location, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.7.0_111
  3. As Administrator user, double-click on the JRE 7 Enterprise Installer icon to run the installer
  4. Notice the install fails with the popup error as above

This can seem like unexpected behavior because the Java SE 7 standard .exe installers will install successfully if there is an existing Java SE version at the default or specified INSTALLDIR.




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